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“Jackson already did,” I tell them. “He’ll be here in a minute.”

Nate starts shaking his head. “Call our guy.”

“No,” I demand. “I’m not doing this ‘who has a bigger dick’ bullshit. Either deal with the situation as it is or go home. I can handle it.”

Nate’s eyes harden and no doubt he hates this with a passion, but surprisingly, he backs off. Not a word is spoken as he looks away and gets back to inspecting the tire, probably wondering who the hell had the nerve to slash it.

The tow truck comes and goes, and apart from Nate talking to the driver, nobody has said a single word.

“Come on,” Jess says quietly beside me, indicating with a nod of his head to follow him to his car. The three of us climb into the Range Rover and instead of sitting in the passenger side beside Nate, I go for the back where I can sulk in private.

Five minutes later, Nate pulls up at my place and I hop out. I expect him to drive off straight away only he gets out and silently walks with me up the stairs. I open the door and he steps across the threshold with me.

Not wanting to waste time on this ‘not talking’ bullshit, I sigh and go to walk away, only he catches my elbow, stopping me in the middle of the foyer. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. I turn back to him and look up into his eyes, patiently waiting. “I just don’t trust that guy with you.”

I slowly shake my head. “It doesn’t matter, Nate. You can’t keep doing this. Jackson’s not going to pull the same bullshit on me that he does to you. I know you don’t like it, but we have a friendship and you need to learn to respect that.”

“I don’t like it,” he repeats.

“What’s there not to like about it?” I question. “He’s a friend. That’s it.”

“He wants you, Tora, and I’m not ready to give you up.”

“You already gave me up,” I yell at him. “You have no say in this. Why can’t you just trust me when I say I’m not interested in dating him? I don’t want to be with him, I want to be with you, but you’ve made it clear as hell that’s not going to happen.”

“Tora,” he groans, not wanting to discuss this again.

I pull back from him and look away. “I can’t do this, Nate.”

“Do what?”

I indicate between us. “Whatever the hell this is. We’re either together or we’re not. Make up your mind, but if we’re not, then you need to back off and give me room to breathe. I can’t have you trying to beat the shit out of every guy who accidentally bumps into me.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying we’re done,” I tell him with my heart threating to tear wide open. He flinches from my words as panic seeps into his eyes. He looks terrified that I’m about to tell him to leave me the hell alone and never speak to me again, but I couldn’t do that to him. Couldn’t do it to us. “Maybe it’s time for you to find the next girl to bully.”

“No,” he says stepping into me. “We’re going to get past this. I just need…”

“What, Nate? Tell me what you need and I’ll give it to you. I can’t do this in between bullshit anymore. It’s either all or nothing.”

“Don’t do this,” he begs, searching my eyes as he grabs me and pulls me in.

I bring my hand up between us and push him away. “You need to make up your mind,” I tell him as I step out of his arms and walk towards the stairs. I step up the first one before looking back at him. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

With that, I walk up the stairs hoping I didn’t just kill what little chance I have left with him.

I flop down into my bed with a sigh. What have I just done?

I’m hoping this gives him the push he needs to get things back on track, but I might have also just screwed up something I wasn’t prepared to lose. My heart races in my chest. That was easily one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Telling him I was done. Shit, I watched him break right before me, but it needed to be said.

If it’s actually over between us, then he needs to let me go. He can’t keep holding onto me and jumping in to save my ass. I need to find my independence and that’s not possible when he won’t give me a chance to breathe. He’s always there, and don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love that, but if I’m on my own, I need to learn to deal with it. If he’s no longer mine, I need to move on.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance