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Hunter dived between the gatherers and dragged Jesse away. Jesse was still shouting incoherently, and he pushed Hunter away from him too.

“What is wrong with you?” Hunter asked, eyes wide.

“I’m fine!” Jesse spat, and as he made for the door, he tripped over someone’s foot and crashed forwards, tumbling down the front steps, his knee crashing into the concrete. People were laughing, but when he yelled out in pain, I rushed towards him, Hunter and Georgia right behind me.

“Wow, we need to keep the alcohol far away from him from now on,” Georgia said, as Hunter helped him to his feet. I turned back to look at Leon but he’d gone, probably embarrassed at being punched in the face in front of so many people.

I slammed the front door to block the view of the other party-goers, and Hunter struggled to get Jesse down the path. Just before we reached the gate, Jesse collapsed in a heap on the grass.

My hands flew to my mouth as a gasp escaped my lips. He was out cold.

“He isn’t drunk,” Hunter said, kneeling down beside him, “Somebody spiked his drink. Call an ambulance.”

Georgia and I exchanged a panicked glance.


“Now!” Hunter yelled.

Georgia fumbled in her pocket for her phone, and I knelt beside Jesse. Every part of me was shaking and I didn’t know what to do.

“Are you sure?” I asked, my voice trembling. “Are you sure that’s what’s happened?”

Hunter nodded. “Pretty sure. It happened to a girl I know back home, same kind of thing. She was okay, then she flipped out and started screaming at people. Everyone thought she was drunk, and some guy who was at the party offered to take her home. We all thought he knew her because she put her arms around him and said it was okay for him to drive her. He raped her in his car. I still haven’t forgiven myself for not going with her, or for not at least checking who she was leaving with.”

Hunter’s face paled at the memory, and I fell back, shocked.

Someone at Mischa’s party had spiked Jesse’s drink. Maybe even someone we knew. I tried to work out how, or when it happened but Mischa and Willow ran outside, distracting me. Mischa took one look at Jesse on the floor on her front lawn and snapped, “For Christ’s sake, if I knew he was such a lightweight, I’d never have invited him! Get him out of here, before the neighbours see!”

Hunter leapt to his feet. “He’s been drugged! There’s an ambulance on the way, and we’re not taking him anywhere until it arrives.”

“An ambulance! He doesn’t need an ambulance, he just needs some caffeine to sober him up!”

Georgia rounded on her. “Did you hear what he said?” she screamed. “His drink was spiked!”

Mischa looked more pissed off than concerned, and she said, “If you get the police called here, I’ll never forgive you.”

Rendered speechless by her best friend’s lack of concern, Georgia ran to the hedge and threw up. Mischa stormed back into the house, slamming the door behind her. I wanted to go to my sister, but I didn’t want to leave Jesse. Willow shook her head, silently telling me to stay where I was, then followed Georgia. When she reached her side, she gently rubbed Georgia’s back until she felt well enough to stand.

“Where the hell is the bloody ambulanc

e?” I snapped.

Those were probably the worst curse words I’d ever said in my life, but I was scared for Jesse, who hadn’t moved since he keeled over. I reached for his hand which was freezing. I didn’t realise I was cold too until Hunter sat beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“It’ll be okay,” he said. “They’ll be here soon, and they’ll make him better.”

Who would be sick enough to carry drugs around? And why did they spike Jesse’s drink? It just didn’t make any sense, and I couldn’t think clearly enough to work it out. I clung to Jesse’s hand, waiting for the sound of sirens.

Chapter Eleven – Soccer Star In Drunken Brawl


My mouth was dry.

I opened my eyes, but the glaring lights made my head pound.

Why are there lights on during the day? It is daytime, right? I always turn the lights off before I go to sleep, so why are they on?

Tags: Kyra Lennon Game On Romance