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“How many drinks did you have tonight?” I asked him.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re drunk, and when Felicity sees what you’ve done to her mom’s plants, she’s going to have your balls.”

“Just because Hailee has your balls in her purse, doesn’t mean the rest of us let our women run the show.”

Cam dropped into one of the garden chairs. “I’m just going to sit here and watch you show your woman who’s boss.”

“I’m with him,” I slowly backed up, leaving Jase to try to scale the wall by himself.

“Bunch of pussies,” he murmured, trying to get a foothold in the wooden lattice. “We’ve got to take back our balls, I’m telling you. These girls think they can just swoop in and turn our lives upside down and have us running around after them, I’m a Raider for fuck’s sake. And Raiders never…” he trailed off when he noticed us glaring at him. “What?”

I nudged my head over his shoulder to where the girls were standing looking less than amused.

“Jason Gary Ford, what the hell do you think you’re doing in my mom’s hydrangeas?”

“Babe, I can explain…” Jase dragged a hand through his hair, inching closer to them. “We thought it would be funny.”

“He,” Cam coughed, “he thought it would be funny.”

“Traitorous motherfucker.”

“Please tell me you weren’t going to try to scale the wall?” Flick broke rank and stepped up to him, pressing her hands to his chest forcefully.

Jase shot her a lazy smile. “I wanted to see you.”

“You could have called or knocked. God, you stink. Just how much did you let him drink?” Her eyes went to me.

“Don’t look at me. I’m not his keeper.”

“Or me,” Cam added. “Blame Grady.”

“Grady? Grady who isn’t here right now trampling through my mom’s plants and trying to climb the lattice.”

“Don’t be pissed, babe.” Jason hooked his arm around Felicity’s waist, dragging her closer. “I missed you.” He buried his face into her neck and she shrieked.

“Get off me, you’re drunk.”

“Maybe you should just invite us in?” I suggested, “before he really makes a scene.”

Mya shook her head at me, the faintest of smiles tugging at her lips. Without a word, I rose from the chair and did my best to walk in a straight line to her. “Hi.”

“Hi,” she said, her smile growing. “Just how drunk are you?”

“Not as drunk as him.” I thumbed to where Jason was slowly breaking Flick’s resolve, the two of them kiss-fighting. “But a little more drunk than Cam.”

“Sounds about right,” Hailee said as she brushed past me to go get her guy.

“Miss me?”

“Miss you?” Mya chuckled, smoothing her hands over my shoulders. “It’s only been a few hours since I last saw you.”

“Admit it, you missed me.”

“Ash…” She lowered her eyes, touching her head to mine.

“It’s okay, Mya,” Jase called over. “We’re all slaves to love here.”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance