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“I’ll tell them to keep it tight.” I pulled out my cell to text Vaughn, since she was more likely to respond than Riley.

“A whole night of freedom,” Jase grumbled. “I can’t fucking wait. We’re running out of places to fuck.”

“Seriously, man?” Cam shook his head. “Do you have to do that?”

“What? Like you and Hailee aren’t—”

“Dude!” I levelled Jase with a hard look. “There’s a line. Don’t cross it.”

“Bunch of pussies.” He smirked, taking a long pull on his beer.

“Don’t even try to act like Fee hasn’t gotten you right where she wants you. You’re whipped, bro, admit it.”

His expression darkened but then melted away, morphing into a proud smile. “I can own that shit. I, Jason fucking Ford, am so fucking whipped by my girl and I love it.”

“Say it a little louder for the people in the back,” Grady yelled, and Jason flipped him off, earning him a round of snickers and cheers.

“When’s the wedding?” someone called, and the blood drained from his face.

“Oh, now he shuts up.” Cam snorted. “You should see your face.”

“Fuck off, Chase. We all know you’ll be the first one down the aisle with Hailee.”

He shrugged. “One day.”

“What about you, Ash, man; you think Mya’s wife material?”

My throat went dry, my fingers tightening around the bottleneck.

“Yo, Cap,” Grady shouted across the bar, saving me from Jason’s question. “You feel like getting your ass kicked at pool?”

“Like that’ll ever happen.” Jase stood up, arrogance pouring from him. “Rack ‘em up, Grady, and prepare to eat shit.” He sauntered off leaving me with Cameron.

Eyes narrowed right on me, he said, “I’m here.”

“I know.” I lifted my face to his.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

I nodded, feeling the teeth of the truth nipping at my heels.

Time was running out.

But I still wasn’t ready.

“Do you think this is a good idea?” Cam whispered as we trudged around the Giles’ back yard, wading through the bushes lining their house. “Couldn’t we just have knocked?”

“It’s been too long since we pranked Hailee,” Jase slurred. “She needs a little reminder who’s the better sibling.”

“Step-sibling,” I corrected.

“Step, smep. She needs bringing down a peg or two since she got with Chase.”


??m standing right here,” Cam protested.

“Yeah, yeah, man. You owe me too. My step-sister. Really, man, you had to go there?”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance