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He gave her a mocking bow. "I shall give you privacy to, er, compose yourself. I will await you by my horses."

H heard her say something, but couldn't make out her words. Curses at him, he imagined. He turned his back and walked away from her. She would try to do him in, he knew, and a smile touched his lips. He wondered what she would try next. She'd very nearly caught him. He supposed that if she had, he would have thrashed her again, in the water.

Five minutes later, Diana emerged, sodden and bedraggled, but clothed again.

"I wish I had a blanket, to protect Venus. I do hope she doesn't get ill from having you wet on her back."

Diana said nothing. She had cursed herself out. She just wanted to go back to London, retreat to her bedchamber, and plan how to bring this damned scoundrel to his knees again.

That thought made her smile.

Lyonel, accurately guessing what caused that smile, said, "Any further attempts to destroy my manhood and I will beat you silly."

Her chin went up.

"I will tie you down and beat you silly."

Her eyes glittered murder at him.

"I will take off all your clothes, tie you down, and beat you silly."

"You, my lord, are a loudmouthed bully."

"Indeed, I shall much enjoy seeing your breasts. Comparisons, you know, are most interesting. But trust me to ensure that you are not cold. I wish to see if your nipples tauten with me looking at them."

She gaped at him, shocked to the soles of her wet riding boots. Her eyes flew to his face, more green than gray now.

He felt so guilty at his unmeasured words that he quickly said, "Get onto your horse. I wish to return to London and relieve myself of your damned company."

Diana tried to mount Venus, but her wet boots slipped. Finally, after her third try, she leaned her face against the mare's neck and burst into tears.

She heard Lyonel curse, but she didn't care. She felt his hands close about her waist, and stiffened, trying to pull away.

"Dammit, hold still." He lifted her onto her mare's back. "Lord, you're heavy. Those ridiculous skirts must weigh two stone. So women are weaklings. You can't take your medicine, huh? You must shower me with tears."

Diana didn't wait for him to mount his stallion. She turned Venus and slammed her heels into the mare's sides. She wasn't really surprised to hear Lyonel's whistle.

Venus came to an abrupt halt.

"You hurt my horse and I will thrash you again. Now, pretend you're a lady, for once."

Diana looked at him. "I hope you are worthless to your mistress."

"A little harder kick on your part and I just might have been. I shall tell her the story tonight when I see her."

"See her?"

"Yes, indeed. Comparisons, you know. She very much likes for me to stroke her buttocks."

Diana could find no words. No one had ever spoken to her like this. No one. She stared at him.

"Come along," Lyonel said. He had never in his life known another person who could make him lose all control. This damned twit made him say the most outrageous things, damnation, do the most outrageous things.

Diana got many curious looks. She kept her eyes straight between her mare's ears. Her back ached from holding herself rigid. She was aware that Lyonel was riding beside her, his face a study in calm disinterest.

When they finally reached Lucia's town house, Lyonel quickly dismounted, lifted Diana down from the mare's back, and said, "I can't wait to hear from Lucia what tale you tell her. Get inside. And good-bye, Diana. I trust you have learned your lesson well. A lady doesn't eavesdrop."

He didn't wait, merely mounted his stallion and rode away, leading the mare.

Tags: Catherine Coulter Magic Trilogy Romance