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"I thought you were bound for St. Thomas?"

"I was and I went. I sent a message to your father."

Diana sent an agonized look to Lyon.

He didn't answer that look until they were in their cabin an hour later. "We can have Rafael marry us now," he said without preamble, "or we can wait.

Which do you prefer?"

Diana paced the cabin. "I don't know. I can't be pregnant. It was only one time. You don't have to worry that ---"

"You silly female! We're not getting married just because you could or could not be with child. We're getting married because we have no other choice. Now, enough. Again, which do you prefer?"

"I want to go home."

Lyon sighed. "Why are you so against marriage to me?"

She said without hesitation, "Because you don't love me. Because as soon as you settle your inheritance, you'll want to return to England. I hate England. It's cold and foggy and awful and ---"

"So, you see yourself living with your father, stepmother, and stepbrother until you're old and creaky? An unmarried daughter isn't a pleasant thing to be, so I've heard. Is that what you want?"

How many times must he have this same ridiculous conversation, counter her arguments?

"What I want is some time. I don't want to be forced into anything, Lyon. Can't you understand that?"

He clasped her arms none too gently and shook her. "Now you will listen to me, Diana Savarol. I have had quite enough of your perseverating. For heaven's sake, it's not as if I were a troll or a fortune-hunter or a libertine. I am quite good husband material. And I am a good lover, an excellent lover. Now that we've gotten rid of your virginity, I will prove it to you."

He bent his head down and kissed her, roughly and quite thoroughly. His male attack surprised him, for it wasn't his style. But she made him so furiousHe eased, gently running his tongue over her lower lip. "You are beautiful and sweet and I want you, Diana. I will be a good husband, you will see."

"All right," she said, and wrapped her arms about his waist.

He didn't ask her what she meant. It didn't seem important, not now. "I liked it better when I didn't have to spend an hour getting both of us out of our clothes." He was breathing hard, and he was surprised at the nearly painful desire she evoked in him. "Diana," he said, and his fingers were on the buttons of her gown, working feverishly. She helped him, or tried to.

"Ah," he said. She was standing naked in front of him and he couldn't get enough of her. He slowly reached out his hands and lifted her breasts. She quivered and brought her own hands up to cover herself. "Oh, no," he said, and smiled down at her. "No, don't hide yourself." He caressed her gently, marveling at how exquisite she looked. He saw that she'd closed her eyes. "Come closer. I want you to feel me against you."

"I don't know, Lyon, it's ---"

"It's what, sweetheart?" His warm breath filled her mouth and she knew she was being silly. And she did desire him. She felt the warm, very delightful ache low in her belly and wondered"Lyon? I feel very strange." His hand left her breast and glided over her stomach, downward until his fingers were probing through the curls between her thighs.


She sucked in her breath. "Yes."


He lifted her in his arms and carried her to their narrow bunk. He laid her on her back and stood over her a moment, looking at her. "Thank God for light," he said.

Diana found that her gaze went immediately to his belly and lower. "Oh, dear," she said. His manhood was thrust forward and it looked smooth and hard and alive.

She reached out her hand and lightly touched her fingertips to him. He flinched and she jerked her hand back.

Lyon very much wanted her to touch him, but he sincerely doubted that he could control himself if she did. And tonight was very important. If he could give her a woman's pleasure, he knew she would no longer fight him about their inevitable marriage. She wouldn't be able to reconcile sex between them without the sanctity of marriage. If he had to use sex to control her, then he would do so. So be it, he thought. He eased down on his side beside her. "Hello," he said, not touching her with his hands.

She smiled up at him shyly.

"I love the tanned parts of you. They frame the white parts most enticingly."

"The same is true of you, Lyon."

Tags: Catherine Coulter Magic Trilogy Romance