Well, she wasn't.

She'd never make that mistake again. She couldn't stop herself from finding him irresistibly attractive, but she could stop herself from showing it.

'Look, it was just a simple kiss,' she pointed out gently, and he gave a short laugh.

'In my experience there's no such thing. I need to spell this out, Keely, and if I hurt you then I'm sorry.' He took a deep breath and his expression was serious. 'I am not in the market for a serious relationship.'

She nodded slowly, her eyes sympathetic. 'Because of your wife?'

His jaw tightened and he stood up quickly, the chair scraping on the kitchen floor. 'Because of Catherine, yes.'

'You don't have to talk about it, Zach.'

'No.' His voice was harsh. 'And, frankly, I don't want to... Suffice it to say that any relationships since her have been... superficial.'


Presumably he meant just sex.

Suddenly a lump grew in her throat. What was it like to love someone that much? So much that no one could ever take their place.

A muscle worked in his lean jaw. 'Don't fall for me, Keely.'

'Relax. I got over that when I was sixteen.'

He didn't look convinced. 'You're all right about living here? After last night?'

'Why shouldn't I be?' She gave ,a shrug and reached across the table to give Phoebe some more toast. 'I'm old enough to handle one kiss without falling into a swoon and expecting you to marry me.'

'You're making light of it but I just want to make sure you're clear—'

'I'm clear.' She held his gaze and smiled. 'I understand the main house rules. Residents must not fall in love with the master of the house. Any other rules I should know about?'

He visibly relaxed and shook his head. 'No. Aren't you going to be late for work?'

She looked at the kitchen clock. 'Oh, help. Probably! I'd forgotten I had further to drive this morning.' She stood up and waggled her fingers at Phoebe. 'I'll see you later.'

'If you have any problems today, talk to Sean,' Zach told her, frowning slightly as she picked up her bag and keys and flew towards the door.

'Yes, boss.' She grinned and opened the door, letting in a stream of icy cold air. 'See you later.'

She climbed into her little car, trying to ignore the leaden feeling in her stomach. It was all very well telling herself that she wasn't going to fall for Zach, but after that kiss... But it hadn't meant anything, she reminded herself firmly. It might have been breathtaking, and fantastic, and all the things that kisses were meant to be in fairy-tales, but it hadn't actually meant anything. There hadn't been any feelings behind it—at least not on Zach's part.

Zach was obviously convinced that he'd never love another woman again, and maybe he was right. Maybe for him there would never be another woman who matched up to his first wife. Certainly he'd just gone to great pains to make sure that she hadn't misunderstood the situation.

And she hadn't.

She understood perfectly.

Falling for Zach would be a quick route to a broken heart, just as Nicky had told her, and she had no intention of putting herself through that twice in a lifetime.


'You're kidding!' Nicky stopped dead, her arms full of sterile dressing packs. 'You've moved in with him?'

'Why are you so surprised?' Keely caught the dressing packs before her colleague dropped them on the floor.

'Well...because... He never...' Nicky gaped at her, almost speechless, 'Zach never, ever lets women stay at his house. In fact, to my knowledge, he's never introduced any woman to his daughter—apart from the nannies, of course.'

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance