'Come and see for yourself.' He'd pulled on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a loose-fitting sweatshirt, but he obviously hadn't bothered to shave. He looked breathtakingly handsome and Keely's heart thumped against her chest and threatened to obstruct her breathing.

Oh, help, it was happening all over again. She was falling for him.

No. No. No! She gritted her teeth and told herself firmly that she was doing no such thing. She was bound to find him attractive—what woman wouldn't? But that didn't mean she had real feelings for him.

She followed him into the kitchen and smiled at Phoebe who was sitting in a high chair at the table, demolishing the remains of a boiled egg.

'Hello, cherub.' Keely sat down next to the child and touched her forehead. 'You feel cool. More paracetamol?'

Zach shook his head. 'Not since the dose you gave last night. I think she's getting better.'

'Phoebe poorly,' the little girl said clearly. 'Poor Phoebe.'

Zach grinned. 'Poor Phoebe, indeed.' He ruffled her hair and sliced her toast into fingers. 'At least you're more cheerful this morning.'

Phoebe wrapped her chubby fist around a piece of buttery toast and held out her arms to her father. 'Want cuggle.'

'Cuggle?' Keely frowned and then nodded. 'Oh, I see— she wants a cuddle.'

'Finish your breakfast first,' Zach said firmly, but Phoebe started to whine and grizzle and eventually he scooped the messy toddler onto his knee, ignoring the lumps of butter and egg that attached themselves to his clothing. 'There we are, then. One cuddle coming up.'

Keely swallowed hard and reached for a piece of toast. Just seeing the two of them together turned her insides to marshmallow.

'Awful parenting, I know,' Zach said with a rueful smile, finishing his own toast as he balanced Phoebe on his lap. 'I should have been stern and made her stay in her high chair until she'd finished eating. I over-compensate all the time, I'm afraid.'

'Don't apologise Zach. You're doing a great job,' Keely said quietly, spreading butter on her toast. 'A really great job.'

Zach watched her for a moment and then pushed a mug of tea towards her. 'Here—this is yours. You deserve it after last night.'


'It's me who should be thanking you,' he said quietly, and she concentrated on her toast to hide her blush.

What exactly was he thanking her for? Kissing him?

Probably not.

'You're welcome,' she said finally, glancing up and giving Phoebe a smile. Anything rather than look him in the eye. 'Presumably you're not going in today?'

'No.' He shook his head. 'I don't want to leave her with anyone until I know she's better, but I'm going to talk to Barbara, my housekeeper, about looking after Phoebe during the day. I might go in tomorrow if she's all right.'

Keely took a sip of tea. 'I'm off tomorrow, so I'll look after her then if you like. Just to make sure that she really is on the mend before you give her to anyone nonmedical.'

Those blue eyes were suddenly wary. 'Keely, there's something I need to say to you...'

Oh,, help. She could guess what was coming.

'You want to talk about the kiss,' she said lightly. 'But it's OK, Zach. We were both tired. It didn't mean anything.'

There was a brief silence. 'And you're all

right about that?'

'Of course,' she lied bravely. 'Why wouldn't I be?'

He gave a sigh and tilted his head against the back of the chair. 'Because, to put it bluntly, you once had a crush on me and last night I did something I shouldn't have done. I don't want you to get the wrong idea.'

He was obviously afraid she was going to throw herself at him again.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance