Page 70 of Summer Fling

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‘I’ll remember that. I have a set of reins in the car but he hates them.’

‘He’ll probably like them more than having me manipulating his arm,’ Logan said gently. ‘Use them, at least when you’re near the water.’

The mother nodded. ‘Thanks very much.’

Logan smiled and walked towards the door. ‘I’ll see you in ten minutes.’

Evanna showed the couple into the waiting room, settled William with some toys and then returned to her room.

It would help if Logan weren’t such a good doctor, she thought wearily as she completed her notes and buzzed for her next patient. It would be so much easier if she didn’t admire him so much. She needed to work hard at finding something significantly wrong with him.

‘Keep the dressing on over the weekend, Mrs Keen,’ she said ten minutes later as she secured the bandage and helped the old lady to her feet. ‘Make an appointment with Janet to see me on Monday and I’ll look at it then, but it’s healing nicely.’

‘What are you doing this weekend, dear?’ The old lady reached for her bag. ‘Anything nice?’

Evanna thought of the barbecue and the new dress hanging in her wardrobe. ‘I’m not sure. Possibly.’ It would probably depend on the outcome of her new outfit. Would Logan notice a difference in her? And would he even care?

She walked Mrs Keen to the waiting room and brought William and his family back to Logan.

‘He seems fine now.’ The mother was smiling. ‘He’s using the hand quite happily. I can’t quite believe the difference. I was imagining that we were going to have to go back to the mainland for treatment. Thank you so much.’

‘You’re very welcome.’ Logan smiled and checked the child’s arm carefully, satisfying himself that an X-ray wasn’t necessary. ‘I think he’s fine, but if there are any more problems just come back to us and we’ll take another look. If he seems reluctant to use it, I want to know. Otherwise, enjoy the rest of your holiday! And don’t forget to try that ice cream.’

The toddler gave him a faltering smile and Logan ruffled his hair. ‘And don’t go near the edge of the quay.’

‘He almost gave me a heart attack.’ The mother smiled her thanks again and left the room.

‘Are we nearly done here?’ Logan glanced at his watch. ‘I want to have lunch with Kirsty. Why don’t you join us? You haven’t seen her since you arrived back. She misses you.’

Evanna felt something twist inside her.

What should she say? That she was trying to gradually distance herself from his family to make the whole thing easier to live with?

No, to say that would trigger a full confession and she couldn’t think of anything more embarrassing. And, anyway, she didn’t really want to distance herself from Logan and Kirsty. She enjoyed their company. She just wanted to feel differently about him.

‘I’ve been away for a month, Logan,’ she said quietly, picking up two empty mugs from his desk. ‘I’ve had things to do in the cottage.’

‘Yes, of course you have.’ His gaze was searching. ‘It’s just that you usually spend a lot of time with Kirsty.’

Oh, what the heck! ‘I’d like to see her,’ she said weakly, cursing her lack of self-discipline. ‘I’ll make us all a sandwich.’

After all, what difference was it going to make? She couldn’t possibly love Logan more than she did already and she couldn’t possibly feel any worse than she did already. So she may as well just make the most of the time she had with him.

‘Good.’ He was still watching her. ‘Are you sure you’re all right? You seem a bit … edgy. Is something the matter?’

Yes, Evanna thought to herself as she walked towards the door, clutching the mugs. I’m in love with a man who doesn’t know I exist. ‘Nothing’s the matter. I’ve finished my clinic so I’ll go through to the house and get lunch on the table. Join us whenever you’re ready.’

Something was the matter with Evanna.

Frowning to himself, Logan closed the door of his consulting room, handed a pile of letters to Janet and walked through the door that connected with his house.

It was unlike Evanna to be distracted and yet ever since she’d returned from the mainland she seemed really … jumpy?

Perhaps it was his imagination. It was just that he wasn’t used to having to wonder about her. Unlike his sister, who wasn’t above throwing something at him when he annoyed her, Evanna was always steady and consistent.

In fact, if he’d been asked to find one word to describe Evanna it would have been predictable. Reliable. Kind. That was more than one word, he acknowledged with a faint smile as he followed the sound of laughter and walked into his kitchen.

Evanna was sitting at the huge table, gingerly wiping blobs of strawberry yoghurt from her dark hair. Kirsty was gurgling with delight and banging her spoon on her high chair.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance