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Zan smiled. ‘I’m meeting Kim for a pizza at our favourite Italian restaurant. I didn’t think you’d be free.’

‘I’m free until I get called out.’ Carlo said immediately. ‘I’m feeling hideously homesick and I could do with some Italian cooking. You have to invite me.’

‘Invite you where?’ Kim bounced up to them, a brightly coloured scarf wrapped around her neck. ‘Are you joining us?’

‘Is that OK?’

‘Of course.’ Kim grinned at him and then glanced at Zan, who was bright pink. Her mouth fell open. ‘Oh, my goodness—how could I be so slow? You’re the one who—’

‘Kim!’ Zan interrupted her before she could say something indiscreet, and Carlo smiled.

‘Why don’t we go and eat? I’m starving.’

* * *

The restaurant was tucked away in a back street and the welcoming heat hit them as soon as they opened the door.

The owner greeted them in Italian and almost dropped the plates he was carrying when Carlo replied equally fluently.

Delighted to have a customer who spoke his language, the owner was immediately distracted and talked for several minutes before finding them a table.

Carlo ordered some wine and sat back in his chair while they all looked at the menu.

‘So how did you two meet?’ Kim was showing no interest in the idea of food.

Zan shrank into her chair in embarrassment. ‘Kim, we’re not—’

‘Yes, we are.’ Carlo’s voice was firm and he flashed her a reassuring smile before turning his attention to Kim. ‘We fell over each other in the street while she was on her way to visit Kelly. I didn’t think it was a great place for a girl to be wandering on her own so I went with her. Then we had dinner last night.’

Zan’s face heated under the look he gave her. She couldn’t quite believe that this man wanted her.

She didn’t need to notice that all the women in the restaurant were sneaking looks at him to be aware of his attractions. He was gorgeous. Warm and charismatic, but incredibly strong, too.

It was a combination that left her breathless.

‘Well, you’ve definitely got the touch,’ Kim said dryly, picking up the bottle of wine and helping herself. ‘Have you any idea how many men Zan’s chased away over the years?’

Zan flushed with embarrassment. ‘Carlo’s agreed to be Father Christmas,’ she said quickly, changing the subject before Kim said something to embarrass her further.

Kim grinned. ‘Really? You wait until you see Zan in her elf costume. Father Christmas usually has trouble with his blood pressure from the moment she takes off her coat. I keep a supply of suitable drugs at the ready.’

Their order arrived and they ate their meal, talking and laughing, and it was only when she glanced up to order coffee that Zan noticed the man sitting on his own at a table in the corner of the restaurant.

She gave a gasp and the colour drained from her face.

‘What?’ Kim looked at her in alarm. ‘What’s the matter?’

Carlo frowned. ‘Zan?’

She reached across the table and grabbed his hand. ‘It’s the same man I saw earlier,’ she whispered urgently. ‘He’s sitting at the table by the window. It can’t be a coincidence. Every where I go, he’s there, too.’

Carlo glanced around and then turned his attention back to the table as the waiter brought the coffee.

‘Just ignore him,’ he advised, but his fingers tightened on hers reassuringly.

Zan bit her lip. What was the matter with her? She was behaving like a real baby.

‘Sorry.’ She gave him a wan smile. ‘I’m being stupid, aren’t I? I’ve never really been nervous of anything before. But after the other night I’m a bit jumpy.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance