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She didn’t know a single other doctor who would have coped in that situation. The flat had been filthy and freezing and he’d had next to no equipment. But he’d managed to resuscitate the baby and keep it alive until he could talk sense into the father and transfer the family to hospital.

And he’d been so cool.

Finally SCBU rang to say that they were ready for the parents, and Zan took Kelly and Mike up to see their son.

‘It can seem a bit scary when you first see him,’ she warned, knowing that the baby would be having a lot of help. ‘He might have tubes in to help him breathe and things.’

‘I don’t care.’ Kelly gave a gulp and clung to Mike’s hand. ‘As long as he’s alive, I don’t care.’

Mike was white with the strain and there was no sign of his usually tough approach to life.

It was much later, after mother and baby had been reunited and she was back on the labour ward, that Zan suddenly remembered that she’d caught a glimpse of a man watching her before she’d knocked on Kelly’s door.

He was the same man she’d seen on her way to work and then again when she’d been shopping for Christmas presents.

Zan shifted uneasily.

Was she imagining it?

‘Why are you frowning?’ Carlo’s deep voice came from directly in front of her and she gave a start.

She’d been so deep in thought that she hadn’t even seen him approach.

‘Oh—hi.’ She smiled at him. ‘Have you finished on SCBU?’

He nodded, his smile weary. ‘Now we just have to hope the little chap makes it.’

‘You were amazing.’ Her voice was soft. ‘I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t arrived. The baby would have died, Carlo.’

‘Maybe not.’

He seemed oblivious to his accomplishment but Zan was under no illusions. She knew that he’d saved that baby.

‘So, come on, why were you looking so worried a minute ago?’ His eyes narrowed and he looked at her searchingly. ‘Tell me.’

She blushed. What if she’d imagined it all? ‘I’m probably being stupid…’

‘But?’ he prompted her gently, and she bit her lip.

‘I think someone is following me. I saw this man this morning on my way to work, and then again at lunchtime when I did some shopping, and when I arrived at Kelly’s flat—’ She broke off, awa

re that Carlo was suddenly looking tense.

‘Can you describe him?’

Zan looked at him, surprised by the urgency in his tone. ‘I don’t know…’ She racked her brains. ‘Tall, broad, dark hair—he wore a fawn coat with a black scarf…’

Carlo seemed to relax. ‘I’m sure it was your imagination,’ he said lightly, and she gave him an odd look.

‘I saw him, Carlo.’

‘I don’t doubt that you saw him,’ he replied smoothly, ‘but I’m sure it was your imagination that he was following you. Maybe he was just going to the same places as you.’

Zan frowned. That might explain the first two encounters, but what would he have been doing outside Kelly’s flat?

Still, Carlo obviously didn’t think there was anything to worry about, and maybe he was right. It wasn’t as if the man had shown any interest in her after all. He hadn’t even been looking in her direction.

‘It’s been a long day.’ Carlo seemed keen to change the subject. ‘I’m on call but everything seems quiet at the moment so can I buy you supper?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance