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With that, she whirls around and goes to stomp downstairs. Ethan makes a move to go after her, but I throw my hand out, stopping him. I’d rather Sam insult me and storm off like a child than get in a fight with her brother. In the way back of my mind, I know my extreme avoidance of conflict is the result of unresolved trauma, but I don’t have time to deal with that right now.

“I don’t need hair to cast a love spell,” I say, trying to pass it off as a cheeky joke. All it does is make Sam turn and glare at me before seething her way into the kitchen.

“I’m sorry she can be an overdramatic bitch,” Ethan spits out. He lets out a sigh and shakes his head. Harrison and I fought like typical siblings throughout our childhood, but we’ve gotten along much better now that we don’t see each other every day. That still doesn’t mean he doesn’t annoy the shit out of me sometimes, and his questionable life choices can lead us into heated arguments over said choices.

“It’s fine. I don’t blame you for her behavior.” I tell him, hooking my arms around his shoulders. He widens his stance and pulls me to his core.

“I know.” He presses a kiss against the top of my head and looks out at nothing in particular. “Sam is just…she’s just…”

“She’s…she’s just Sam,” I say and lean back so I can look into his eyes. “She cares about you, and she hardly knows me. I’m basically the Wicked Witch of the West in her eyes and she’s being protective of her brother. If anything, I’m glad she’s willing to ruffle a few feathers if it means looking out for you. She’s not going about it the way I would, but hey. To each their own, right?”

He brings his lips to mine. “You’re more than I deserve.”

“Oh, trust me. I know.” My lips curve into a smile, “If you want to feel like you deserve me, you can do the horses’ morning feedings all next week…”

Ethan grabs me around the waist. “Don’t push it,” he mewls, deep voice rattling through me.

“Maybe I want to,” I rasp, raking my fingers through his hair, having totally forgotten that anyone else is in the house with us. Ethan kisses me, pulling me tight against him. We break apart when the stairs creak, letting go of each other just in time to see Sam coming back up.

“Don’t leave,” I tell her, and she comes to a stop. “You just got here, and I thought maybe we all could hang out.” Smiling, I hope she knows I’m trying here.

“We can stay for the night. There’s only one hotel in Paradise Valley and it’s full because of that basketball game at the university. I already checked before we came,” she admits. “And I wouldn’t stay in Thorne Hill even if it had a five-star hotel.” She flicks her gaze to Ethan, trying to say something. I look at my boyfriend, seeing confusion in his eyes. He doesn’t know what she’s talking about either, or if he does, he’s doing a good job covering it up.

“Great.” I push my hair over my shoulders. “I’ll order a pizza.”

“And I’ll pick it up,” Ethan offers. We live too far out in the country for anyone to deliver to us. Sam waits a beat, staring at us, and then sighs, looking relieved the argument didn’t escalate. It very easily could have. There was a lot to unpack there and, for now, I desperately want to keep that bag closed.

“I never got the house tour.” Sam looks down the hall. “Wanna show us around?”

“I will,” Ethan says and turns to me. “You can go back to Rene.”

“Okay. I’ll order the pizza too.” We all go downstairs, and Yuma joins Sam and Ethan on the little tour.

“You weren’t kidding when you said she didn’t like you,” Rene whispers, hazel eyes widening. “You’re a better woman than me. I can take being petty to a whole other level.”

“Oh, I can be petty, but I get where she’s coming from. She’s protective.”

Rene makes a face and I know without getting the full story, it makes Sam seems oddly possessive of her older brother.

Hunter suddenly jerks up from where he was napping and rushes to the back door. Shit. I feel it too. Something is…is off.

And whatever it is, it’s lurking by the barn.


Planting my hands on the counter, I jump up.

“I think I left the hose on in the barn,” I rush out, pulse picking up.

“Oh, I’ll come with you to check it.” Rene takes another drink and sets her glass down.

“No!” I hold up my hand. “I mean, don’t worry about it. It’s cold out there and I’ll just run out and be right back in.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Grim Gate Paranormal