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“Nah. I wanted to try this old-school,” I note. “I’m not picking up on anything here.”

“Same.” She holds up an EMF meter. “Where did you move from?”

“Syracuse, New York.”

“Cool. Is it super boring being here in hillbilly country?”

“No,” I tell her. “I’m really liking it, and I like being able to have my horses at my house.”

“You have horses? I love horses. I took riding lessons for years and just had to take a break this fall because it was a little out of my budget. Do you have pictures of them?”

I smile, thinking I just found a new friend. “Of course.”

“That was kind of fun.” I put the coffee cake on the kitchen counter.

“I would pick getting my fingernails ripped off one by one before doing that again.” Ethan opens the fridge and pulls out a beer.

“It was your idea to go in the first place.”

“I didn’t think we’d stay for four hours.”

“Sorry. I didn’t realize how much time passed.”

“Don’t apologize, babe.” Ethan twists off the cap of his beer. “I’m glad you had fun.”

“I did.” A smile comes to my face. It wasn’t fun because of the ghosts—and I did end up seeing the little girl. She’s a fading echo, repeating the same fleeting moment over and over. I had fun because Rene and I hit it off, and it’s been ages since I’ve had a friend to hang out with. I’m not the most social person, but I did hang out with Laney and Leslie a few times a month, and I’d go out with work friends several times throughout the year. “And I got a number.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “Rene’s number. Do you think she’s actually going to call tomorrow?”

“She said she would.”

“If she doesn’t, that’s fine. I can always go out again and actually talk to people so I can invite them over.”

“Should I be worried?” He takes a drink of his beer.

“Very worried. So worried you fuck me so hard my head rams against the headboard and I’m too sore to walk in the morning.”

“Goddamn,” Ethan growls, mentally undressing me with his eyes. “I’m going to do just that.” I wiggle my hips, getting turned on just thinking about Ethan throwing me down on the mattress.

“I’ve always had friends,” I continue, and then wince at my words. Ethan’s friends are other hunters, and the Order discourages them from becoming too close to anyone who isn’t in their immediate group. Ethan didn’t come out and say it, but I get the feeling it’s frowned upon to take the time to build a friendship. If the Order’s hunters do anything other than hunt, they’re not making money off of them.

“Rene is nice.” Ethan leans against the counter. “I’ll have Julia run a background check on her.”

I cock an eyebrow. “You don’t think that’s a little overkill?”

“Given everything that’s gone on, no. And it’s, uh, what we do.”

“Did you run one on me?”

“Yeah. It came back with nothing.”

“I’m such a good girl.”

And now Ethan is smirking again. “You’re not going to be a good girl tonight.” He sets the beer on the counter and comes to me, arms wrapping around my waist. Lust burns in his eyes, sending a jolt of warmth between my legs. I want him to whisk me upstairs for raunchy, dirty sex. But it’s more than that, and my heart swells in my chest.

I love this man so damn much.

Standing on my toes, I kiss him. Ethan grips me harder, crushing my breasts against his chest. He takes a step back, bringing me with him, and then spins us around so I’m pinned between his body and the wall. He takes both my hands and lifts my arms above my head, holding them tight as he kisses me, tongue slipping past my lips.

“I fucking love you,” he mewls, letting go of my wrists. He rests his forehead against mine, and our hearts beat in rhythm with one another’s.

“I love you too,” I pant, hand landing on his chest. I twist a handful of the material of his t-shirt, pulling him to me. Heat floods my body, and I can’t help but think it was fate that brought us together. I don’t ever want to imagine my life without him and, right now, I need him.

I rake my fingers through my hair, arching my back so my hips press against his. Ethan’s eyes fall shut for a moment, and then he kisses me again, desperation coming off him in palpable waves. He doesn’t just want me physically. He’s feeling just as much, just as deeply as I am. Because, despite all the shit in the world, we somehow managed to wade through it and find each other.

“Morning, babe.” Ethan sets a mug of steamy coffee on the nightstand and goes to the window, pulling the curtains back to let the sunlight in and help warm this old house. “Everyone is fed, blanketed, and turned out.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Grim Gate Paranormal