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When August slapped a big sold sign on the end table, tears prickled once again. I couldn’t say I was surprised it’d sold so quickly. It was just the right size to tuck near a sofa. Like mine. It would look so great in that spot next to Sir Anthony, my ficus.

Discreetly, I whisked my fingers under my eyes. I’d find another piece.

I whirled to pick up a pair of candlesticks to put on the carved coffee table with feet shaped into high heels. Odd, but charming.

“I thought you should have it.”

I glanced up, still misty, as August approached. “What?”

“You clearly loved the end table. So, consider it a bonus for doing good work.” August grinned. “I’m only partly giving it to you because you’ve made my brother a lot more bearable to be around lately. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up.”

I couldn’t help teasing him. “He makes sure I do.”

His ears tinged red like Caleb’s did sometimes. “Okay, moving on.”

I laughed and moved forward to give him a big hug. “Thanks. I adore it and I know exactly where I’ll put it. Oh, and he makes me happy too.”

“That’s good to hear. If that changes, let me know. I’ll put a snake in his bed.” August smiled widely. “He’s hated them since we were kids. I put this toy black mamba under his pillow once when he was six and—”

“He jumped so hard he fell off the bed and peed his pants,” Ivy finished, coming around the divider that blocked off this section from the vintage clothing area.

“No way.” I cupped a hand over my mouth to hold back the laughter. “You’re kidding.”

“He really hates them,” August confirmed. “He won’t go camping because he lives in fear of coming across one in the underbrush. I think one got into his shoe the summer he went to Camp Happy Face.”

“Camp Happy Face?” I giggled.

This information would be good to have for later bribery purposes.

“Yep. So, naturally, Aug had to make his life hell at every opportunity.” Ivy came up to her older brother, and he drew her into his side just as I’d seen Caleb do with her.

And if a hint of envy swam through my belly, who could blame me? I’d been close to my older brother too once upon a time.

So long ago.

“Well, it’s my actual job. I was put on this planet to torment my siblings.”

“You are exceptionally talented at it. And at trying to scare off my boyfriend.”

“Uh oh, do you have a boyfriend now? Does your husband know?”

Ivy shook her head. “Jerk.”

She had on the retro sixties’ style denim jacket we’d just gotten in on consignment this morning. It fit her so well, nipping in perfectly at her trim waist. I’d meant to try on the jacket myself, but I’d gotten sidetracked.

Surprise. That was me to a T lately. I couldn’t focus on anything. The auras I saw were way more intense. And there was that whole napping preoccupation. I hadn’t succumbed yet, but I didn’t know how much longer I could be strong.

Maybe I could sneak across the street for an extra long break. Extra caffeine definitely wasn’t getting the job done.

I forced back a yawn and smiled at Ivy. “You look amazing in that. Are you going to get it?”

“You don’t think it’s too tight?” Ivy headed over to a cheval glass mirror and twisted around to see how she looked from the side.

“Absolutely not. What size is it?”


“It fits like a dream on you.” I couldn’t resist running a hand down the distressed sleeve.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance