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I laughed. If only he knew. “I like being the black sheep.”

“Rainbow sheep? I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen you in black.”

I punched him in the shoulder. “Jerk.”

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. “Think we can get up now? Pretty sure everyone’s staring at us.”

“Let them stare,” I said and kissed him a little deeper.


The rest of the picnic was uneventful. Sure, I received a couple odd looks and overheard the occasional hushed “witchy” comment I assumed was directed at me, but overall, the balance of the day was pleasant.

Especially the way it ended with Caleb and I parking down by the lake for some stargazing.

And other things.

Best of all, my brother never made another appearance. I didn’t know where he’d gotten off to so quickly, but I was grateful for the reprieve.

Even more grateful that I hadn’t had to visit Caleb’s work again since.

I knew I would again eventually if this thing between us continued. But I didn’t mind having some time to regroup.

It had been a few weeks now. Caleb had started school and we’d settled into a new routine. Gone were the afternoons of him visiting me at the shop, but we made up for it by spending evenings together. Almost every evening. And we weren’t even naked all the time.

Just most of it.

But in between, we did what other couples did. We watched reruns on TV and went for walks or bike rides. We even occasionally attempted couples’ yoga, which had been a laugh and a half. For all Caleb’s stamina in the sack, his flexibility was sorely lacking. But he’d tried.

Several nights ago, he’d come home late after a meeting with a parent. He’d strolled in with takeout for dinner and a bouquet of fresh daisies.

And I’d given him a vibrating cock ring for dessert, which was actually a present for both of us.

I released a long, slow breath as I rubbed the twinge in my lower back. Maybe I needed to up those yoga sessions, because whew, I was out of shape.

But I knew that wasn’t true. I did something physical nearly every day—athletic sex life notwithstanding. Plus, with my couple of jobs and busy social life, I always stayed active.

Yet somehow all of a sudden, I couldn’t see

m to move furniture or rearrange displays at Kinleigh’s without getting out of breath or wanting to curl up in the corner on a hassock to take a nap.

“Need some help? Let me get that for you.”

I looked up at August, Caleb’s older brother. He had on a rather impressive toolbelt and sawdust in his hair. He’d just been building a custom crib in his workshop, but he’d taken a break to come down to the shop to kiss his wife and cuddle his baby. They were so adorable together, all three of them.

For unknown reasons, I’d teared up at baby Vivian giggling happily in her swing. Something about a child’s laughter made me so emotional. I mean, not before ever, but today? Everything was hitting me weird. I was even tearing up looking at the hand-painted roses on this end table I absolutely could not lift without my back screaming.

I smiled at August. “Oh, thank you. I just couldn’t do it for some reason. Did you see this? The blooms are so intricate. I can’t believe what craftsmanship the artisan put into this piece.” Sniffling, I traced my purple nail along the delicate yellow folds of the flower on the drawer.

“Uh, thanks. The artisan was me.” August laughed self-consciously and brushed dust off the shoulders of his shirt. “Where do you want me to put it?”

“Over there would be perfect.” I pointed to the opposite side of the new fringe circular rug I’d just arranged in the seating area. “I figured it was something that came in on consignment. I should’ve known it was yours. Gotta say I’m amazed you still have time to make stuff for the shop with all your custom orders for Ladybug Treasures.”

“You know what? I think I’m going to move this one somewhere else entirely.” August hefted the end table and carried it across the store to set it down near the front door.

I frowned, hands on my hips, as a pair of women came in. One of them clasped her hands over it, clearly in love.

I’d seen it first. Not that I needed it for my place. I had an apartment full of stuff already.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance