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I didn’t know about the rest of her statement, but babymaking was right. Maybe. “Wait, is he here?”

“That’s what I was saying. He’s out front looking for you.”

“Here.” I could still breathe, I was almost sure. “In the salon?”

“What else does here mean? Are you all right? You look really pale.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”

“I can get rid of him, easy peasy. I’ll just dropkick him to the street. He didn’t tweak my crazy stalker dude radar, but I’ve been wrong before.”

“No. He’s not that. He’s been very respectful.”

“Not too respectful, I hope.” Paisley’s smile was wicked. “He looks a bit buttoned up, but seems like maybe not all the way, you know?”

Oh, I knew. He was gentle and sweet, but also I had a memory of him flipping me over and banging the hell out of me on a loop in my dreams. I tried to ignore those particular urges, but if he was here?

And then there was this little lateness thing.


He was here.

And I could not deal with that right now. No way. “Yeah, get rid of him.”

She hooked a thumb toward the front. “Okay. He’s dust. Do you want like forever dust or…come back later when I’ve prettied myself up?”

I touched my hair. “Do I look that bad?”

“No. Of course not. You always look amazing. But you know, a killer ‘you can’t have this’ kind of look. That kind.”

I shook my head. I’d tried that before. I’d caved like an overcooked soufflé and ended up going to the festival then losing all my clothes. “I’m not ready to see him. I—”

I’m afraid I might be pregnant, and I can’t deal with it on my own, let alone deal with freaking out in front of my possible baby daddy.

Oh, and I had to talk to him here in front of my co-workers. You know, no big deal.

Paisley drew me into her arms and hugged me hard. “It’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s okay.”

My eyes misted, and I leaned into her for a second. I linked my arms around her and hugged her back. “Thanks.”

“Us girls gotta stick together.”

I nodded. “Okay.” I dabbed at my eyes. “Send him back to my chair.”

“I’ll be right here if you need me.” She squeezed my arm one more time and went back to the front.

I believed her. It was a new feeling for me. It remained to be seen just how much I’d need my new friend.

I stopped at the lockers and put on my smock again. I fluffed my hair and detangled my hoops from the fresh highlights Paisley had done for me the day before.

“He’s just a guy. You can talk to him and then…” I stared at myself in the mirror.

And then…what?

Then I’d deal with whatever came next. That was what I always did.

Pushing open the curtain, I straightened my shoulders and crossed to my station. I took a minute to soak all of him in. It should have been easier to see him by now.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance