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She surprised me by letting out a light laugh. “I like you. You seem responsible.” She looked me up and down again. “Nice coat. Burberry? You must have a job.”

I took another look at my surroundings. The hidden camera was going to become apparent at any moment, I just knew it. “I do. Two, in fact. One is a bit more…transient, but the other is quite stable. Are you sure Ellie isn’t here? I really need to talk to her.”

Paisley cocked her head, narrowing her eyes. “Are you going to let her shape your hair? It’s overgrown.”

“I like it that way,” I said defensively.

I didn’t add I hadn’t gotten it cut since just before I’d met Ellie. Depression tended to do that to a man.

“But yes, she can cut it. She can do whatever she wants to do to me.” At Paisley’s arched brow, I cleared my throat. “I mean, hair-wise.”

“I’m sure.”

I stayed silent.

“Good thing Ellie saw you first. Then again, there was a reason she hasn’t seen you since. And why might that be?”

I was pretty sure they knew who I was. And that meant Ellie had mentioned me. She hadn’t forgotten me the minute she’d rolled out of bed.

Logically, I’d known it wasn’t possible. Not after the connection we’d had—and probably still had, if she would just give it a chance.

Somehow I’d have to make her see I was worth the risk.

“It was her choice. I’m here to see if perhaps I can change her mind.” I hoped I sounded confident and not overdue for a visit from Sheriff Brooks.

“Is that right?”

“Yes. I’m not here to be a nuisance.” God, was I being a fool to do all this? “Look, I just want to see her. I need to see her. I—” I broke off at Paisley’s widening smile. “What?”

“Oh, you’ll do, won’t you? Wait right here while I get her.”

I crossed my arms. “I thought you said she wasn’t here.”

“I said she wasn’t available. If you didn’t get past the gate, I would’ve told you that she’d moved to Montana. But you made it past level one. Don’t get cocky. You’re got many levels to go.”

I shook my head as she headed into the back. “This town is always going to keep me on my toes.”

“You’ve got that right,” Melody agreed with a wink.


“Oh, good. There you are.” Paisley pushed me farther into the back to the room where we did waxing and frowned at me. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know.”

She grabbed my hands. “Well, I have some news you may not be excited about. I can get rid of him if you really want me to.”

“Rid of who?”

“Hottie artist dude. Your delicious hookup.”

I crossed my arms over my middle. “How do you know about Callum?”

“Honey, this is Crescent Cove. Who doesn’t know you were kissing a piece of stranger hotness in the park?”

I flushed. Here I’d thought I’d kept a low profile since that day. Little did I know I was still a topic of conversation. “Are people talking about me?”

“Oh, honey. Not like that. We’re just all suckers for romance in this town. Especially in the winter. Nothing else happens around here except babymaking, you know that.” Paisley frowned. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance