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“How was the party?”

“Good. She was a hit. I collected numbers like it was my damn job. Now to sort through the prospects.”

Christ, only my brother would use his three-year-old niece both as a way to ditch a party and as date bait. “Can you keep her tonight? I know it wasn’t part of the deal—”

“Well, now, this is interesting. What happened to Ally?”

I swallowed and tried to come up with something that wasn’t a lie. And also was absolutely not the truth. “Plans changed. Can you keep Laurie or not? I’ll be there early to get her.”

“Of course I can. This Care Bear shit isn’t half bad, if you’re practically wasted.” Before I could question him, Oliver sighed. “I had two fingers of Scotch. Your child is perfectly safe.”

“Thanks. I’ll owe you. Tell her I love her?”

Out of the corner of my eye, Ally turned away, and if I wasn’t mistaken, lifted her fist to her mouth.

“Will do. Whatever happened to your plans, hope it’s good. Don’t forget the condom this time, little brother.” Oliver clicked off before I could toss something back, probably rude as hell.

Pocketing my phone, I dipped back my head. The relentless rain streaked down my face as I hauled in a breath that didn’t do a damn thing to ease the constriction in my lungs.

Time to get this night moving. First, some insurance she wouldn’t run.

“Ally,” I rasped, sure she could hear me, rain or no rain.

She turned, studying me warily.

“Your panties. Give them to me.”

“What?” Her mouth rounded.

I moved in closer and spoke against her hair, raising my voice just above the rain. “You want to be discreet. I do too. I also want to smell your pussy before we get in that hotel room. Take them off and give them to me.” I eased back enough so our eyes were level. “Nice and slow.”

Even with the weight of what we were about to do between us, it was good to see I could still shock her. Enough that she seemed to move as if she was in a trance, casting a quick glance around to discover what I already had—the driving rain had sent the few tourists still wandering about scurrying into pubs and the ice cream shop, seeking shelter from the storm.

Right fucking now, the storm was inside me, throbbing in my head, my dick, my chest. Everywhere she’d touched and the places she still hadn’t.

But she would.

She shifted closer to the railing, reaching out to use it for balance. And bent to whip off her panties, barely even glancing my way as she pressed them into my hand.

Warm. Even with the cool rain sluicing down my neck and face, there was no denying the heat I held in my palm.

Blinking the water out of my eyes, I held her gaze and lowered my head, drawing in a deep breath of Ally and rain, mixed together. Her excitement and the burnt ozone in the air, colliding together and somehow mixing. Sweetness layered over fire.

Helpless to resist, I b

uried my face in them and she watched me, hair streaming back from her face, lashes starred, mouth trembling and used from mine. The tip of my tongue touched the delicate fabric and she shuddered visibly, hauling her thin jacket in more tightly around her body.

We were both soaked to the core, but she’d had a goddamn head start.

Stepping in close again, I flexed my groin lightly against hers. Her breath hissed out. She was well aware of how she’d affected me. “I’ll text you the room number. If you don’t come to me, I’ll find you.”

She said nothing, her soft exhalations somehow loud in spite of the storm.

A finger under her chin brought her face up to mine. “Every moment you make me wait is one more I’ll spend between your legs, making you beg.” Cupping her panties in my fist, I stepped back. “The choice is yours.”



Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance