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Then her fingers curled into the fabric of my dress shirt and it was on.

I buried one hand in her hair, tilting her head back so I could have her the way I needed to. The sweetness from our tiramisu and her strawberry lip gloss battled in my head, setting off a furious pounding in my groin that had nothing to do with making a baby and everything to do with getting her naked.


Whatever it took.

I lowered my hands to her hips, fisting the cotton that barely hid her curves from my view, twisting it as our tongues touched and tangled. Without warning, I lifted her up on the railing and she gasped, wobbling, her hair streaming behind her as her honey eyes went wild and frightened.

“I’ve got you.” Tightening my hold, I moved between her legs and ran kisses over her delicate collarbone, tracing the edge of the arrow necklace she never took off. Aiming lower, burying my face in her cleavage so that her frantic heartbeat seemed to throb in tandem with my own.

Turning my head, I nipped the side of her breast through the material, just to hear her broken moan. She didn’t disappoint me. One hand gripped the railing and the other came up to grasp a handful of my hair as I lowered my mouth, making a wet path to where her nipple stood so tight and proud.

I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think past wanting her. My sanity was gone, blown away with the rising wind.

Hovering there, my breaths puffing out against the swelled flesh, I searched for words. Something to make this okay. Her legs trembled on either side of my hips, and I was holding onto her with every bit of strength I possessed. Her long dark hair blew against my face, tickling my skin, and I was helpless not to suck her nipple between my teeth, to scrape the edge of them over that sensitive tip.

A quick yank on my hair drew me closer, not away. Thank fuck.

Only half aware of the rain now pelting my back, soaking through my jacket and shirt to the skin, I sucked on her, already thinking about how I was going to get inside her. This wasn’t the end. I couldn’t have her walk away from me tonight like she had on Sunday.

Not if I wanted to survive it.

She bent forward, leaning over me, her hair surrounding us as I tugged at the fabric and the lacy bra beneath. A hint of pink gleamed wetly in the darkness before she covered herself, her long fingers caging in her nipple. Keeping it from my mouth.

Acute regret cleaved through me. I set her down on her feet, already fighting to shove myself back in line. My tongue buzzed from the taste of her, from the tang of my own needs. I couldn’t go home and jack myself off again with her flavor on my lips. Jesus, I’d go mad.

“Sage is home,” she said, and I stared at her, not understanding. “She doesn’t usually go out on Friday nights.” She pinned me in place with her stare and clutched her arrow necklace. “Your house is on the other side of the lake. The Inn. If there’s a room, we’ll do it and be done.”

Joy coursed through my body, and I nearly freaking dropped to my knees in gratitude.

Then what she’d said sank in.

“Just do it and be done,” I repeated. “Just like that.”

“If there isn’t a room, that means this is a mistake. Hell, it probably is anyway.” She started hurrying away, her heeled boots clacking on the cobblestones of the pier. “But you’re the big stud, Mr. Important, so see if they give you a suite. Text me the number if you get it. I’ll find you.”

“What the hell are you babbling about?” I caught up to her in a couple long strides, seizing her arm and spinning her to face me. “You’ll find me? Where are you going?”

“You may not care about being discreet, but I do. I’ll go back to my car, give it some time. Go up once it’s not obvious we’ve gone frigging nuts. And we’ll take care of this…issue.”

“This issue? The one where I want to fuck you until you’re hoarse from screaming my name?”

She nodded primly. “That one.”

I didn’t mention the baby plan. She didn’t either. Okay, so we weren’t going there. At least we were going somewhere that might lead to my balls getting some goddamn relief.

But that whole getting it over with thing? Was not happening. And she would soon realize that, too late for her to do anything but lie there and take every bit of what I dished out.

I tugged out my phone and hit the speed dial for my brother. Rock-hard dick or not, my little girl was my number one priority.

“Laurie?” I asked as soon as my twin answered, turning away so I didn’t have to see the melting expression that overtook Ally’s face.

“She’s fine. Curled up with some rum and an episode of Empire.”


Oliver laughed. “Make that rum raisin ice cream and an episode of some Care Bears crap on Disney. So easy to rile, brother.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance