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“Good Lord!” Doc said, as he inspected the jumbled mess of Kaevin’s fingers. “What happened? Wait—just tell me the truth. What really happened?”

“Vindrake broke my fingers to torture me. But he was only using me to capture Alora.”

“Torture you? Who is this Vin guy?”

“Vindrake,” corrected Kaevin. “Alora’s father.”

“So her father really was some kind of mob guy, like we thought?” Doc mumbled to Charles. He cocked his head at Kaevin. “I guess he really didn’t like you dating his daughter, huh? But breaking your fingers is a bit excessive. I see it hasn’t slowed you down much. Alora, I’m surprised your uncle let’s you display that much public affection.”

“What does he mean?” Kaevin murmured.

“He means we shouldn’t kiss in public,” Alora explained.

“Oh.” Kaevin nodded with understanding. “But you see—we must. We’re soulmates.”

“Yes, of course,” Doc said as he placed his hand over his heart with exaggerated flare. “Soulmates. I’m sure you’d both just die if you couldn’t be together.”

“Right,” Kaevin agreed. “Finally... someone actually understands.”

“He’s being sarcastic, Kaevin,” said Alora. “Ahhh!” she cried out as Dr. Sanders manipulated one of Kaevin’s broken digits. Kaevin stood still, white-faced, obviously trying not to flinch. Charles hated observing this confirmation of Alora’s connection with Kaevin. He didn’t dislike Kaevin, per se. He simply hated losing his ability to protect her from pain. Isn’t that part of my job as her father?

“He’ll definitely require surgery,” said Dr. Sanders. “Alora, are you injured, too?”

“I’m fine. I just wasn’t ready for the pain.”

Doc Sanders squinted his eyes at Alora and opened his mouth as if to speak. But he must have changed his mind, because he pressed his lips together in a firm line.

“Will we need to do surgery tonight?” asked Charles.

“We’d better get him to Billings to see a hand specialist. Does he have insurance?”

“I’ll pay. Whatever it takes.” Then Charles mumbled, “I may have to sell the ranch.”

“We have gold,” Raelene mentioned. “Would that help?”

“Can I transport gold?” Alora asked.

“Of course,” said Raelene. “Your gift is not limited with regards to silver or gold. Only iron.”

“How much gold do you have?” asked Charles. “These surgeries will be really expensive. And we can’t guarantee we can save their lives.”

“Graely is Stone Clan leader, and Kaevin is his son and heir. He has many ingots of gold. And they will certainly pay for Jireo, as well.” She tilted her chin up.

“So let me get this straight,” Dr. Sanders said. “You people are from some other country? One that doesn’t have good healthcare? And you came to the US for medical treatment?”

“That’s fairly accurate,” Charles answered before Raelene had a chance to speak.

“Did you just fly into the States this morning?” Doc asked.

“That’s fairly accurate, as well,” said Charles.

“Well, maybe I don’t have to report all this if it actually happened overseas,” Dr. Sanders said, with relief written all over his face. But as his eyes met Charles’, his brows furrowed. “And I’ll just pretend I didn’t see people appear and disappear right in front of me. Otherwise, they’ll force me to take early retirement.”

Charles chuckled. “No problem, Doc. I feel the same way.”


“I’m telling you, that woman is evil,” said Graely as the nurse left the room. “Not only are her eyes blue, but she takes delight in causing me pain. She actually pressed on my stomach and made me cough.”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy