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“Twice?” asked Doc. “The knife slipped twice? Once into one man’s gut and another time into the boy’s chest?”

Charles put his hands on Doc’s shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “Can you save their lives?”

“They’re prepping them both for surgery right now. It would’ve been better if we’d gotten them more quickly, but I’m not giving up.” Doc pinned him with a stern gaze. “But you understand, I have to explain this. Why can’t you tell me what really happened?”

“You wouldn’t believe me, Doc.”

“Try me,” he said flatly.

Charles took a deep breath. “You remember fifteen years ago, when we got Alora? And she had that weird jewel in her belly button?”

Doc glanced at Wesley and back to Charles and spoke out of the side of his mouth. “I thought no one else knew about that. It’s been fifteen years. Did her real parents finally show up or something?”

How can I explain it? Charles sent a questioning look to Wesley, hoping he had an idea.

“Don’t ask me what to say. I haven’t figured out what to tell my folks yet. My dad will be cool about it, but my mom is gonna flip.”

“What?” demanded Doc. “Just tell me. I’ve been a doctor for thirty-five years. I was in ’Nam with you. Nothing’s going to shock me.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Wesley laughed.

Alora and Kaevin materialized in the room, still locked in an embrace, accompanied by Raelene, who had her arm around Beth.

“What the—” Dr. Sanders stumbled back against the wall. “Where did you come from?”

“I’m sorry, Uncle Charles.” At least Alora had the grace to blush when she spotted Dr. Sanders. “I didn’t know you weren’t alone. I wasn’t thinking.”

“Could you please go outside if you’re going to keep kissing?”

“I’m sorry. Sure, Uncle Charles. We’ll be outside. Come get us if anything happens.” They disappeared.

Doc stood, slack-jawed, gazing at the place Alora and Kaevin had been standing. He gave his head a shake, and his eyes came to rest on Raelene and Beth.

“Beth? Is that you? What happened? Were you in the hunting accident?”

“No.” She spoke in a groggy voice. “I tried to kill the bad guy with a sword, because he was hurting Kaevin’s broken fingers. But he kicked me, and I hit a tree.”

“Okay,” said Dr. Sanders. “Now that makes no sense whatsoever, so I assume she has a concussion? Or she’s high on something?”

“It’s a concussion,” confirmed Charles. “But her story was actually true.”

Doc pulled a penlight out of his pocket, shining it in her eyes. “Uhmm-hmm. And who has broken fingers?”

“I completely forgot.” Charles conked himself on the forehead with the heel of his hand. “Kaevin’s got a bunch of broken fingers. Wesley, will you go bring him back in here? He may need surgery, too.”

“Charles, is this the healer you spoke of?” Raelene asked. “And what does this word mean… surgery?”

“You don’t know what surgery is?” Doc looked her up and down. “Do you live in one of those religious communes? One of those groups that don’t believe in modern medicine?”

“I don’t know.” She frowned, clearly confused by his question.

“Where she lives, they don’t have surgery or television or even electricity. They’re really secluded,” Charles explained. “But it’s not a religious thing.”

“So where are you from?” asked Doc.

“Laegenshire of Tenavae,” she replied.

Wesley came back in the door with Alora and Kaevin, who stopped kissing long enough for Dr. Sanders to look at his fingers.

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy