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“Honestly, there isn’t any way we can know for certain. No soulmates were ever foolish enough to attempt it. Even Humera was forced to leave her husband when she met Seldovaen, her soulmate.” He shook his head sadly. “A perfect example of why we discourage early marriage. Had she waited another year, that tragedy could have been prevented.”

“So,” said Beth, “if you can’t know for sure, why don’t you just act like they’re soulmates. Put them together, at least until we get on the horses.”

“Fine.” Agreeing seemed the simplest solution for her persistence. “You may put them together until we leave.”

She scurried away as if she thought he might change his mind. He turned back to Nordamen and Morvaen. “Now, where were we?”

Kaevin’s eyes felt like they were glued shut. “Ugh! My head hurts.”

“Beth,” Wesley called, “he’s awake.”

“How long have I been out?” Kaevin’s voice was scratchy like his throat.

“Not too long. But we’re getting ready to leave. They’re trying to get a jump on Vindrake’s men.”

“And Arista? What happened to Arista?”

“She’s fine—really good. She’s kind of a go-getter.” Wesley averted his eyes, clearing his throat.

“So they didn’t hurt her?” asked Kaevin.

“No, she seems to be a tough cookie,” said Beth, kneeling to offer Kaevin a drink of water. “Arista’s okay, but I’m not so sure about Alora.”

“I think all the transports kind of drained our bond. It feels like she used up both of our energies. I know my head is pounding, but she’ll probably be better if we just hold hands a while longer.”

“Good luck with that,” said Beth. “You and Alora have been assigned to different riders. Unless you’re both strong enough to ride together.”

“Maybe you and Alora could just transport, instead of riding,” Wesley suggested.

“We barely made it here,” said Kaevin. “Even if she wakes up, I’m afraid she won’t have the reserves to take us anywhere.”

“Look, I don’t want to seem pushy,” said Beth. “Who am I kidding? I am pushy. And I think you should try the kissing thing again. We’ve only got a few minutes before we leave. Maybe you could charge up a little better.”

“But she’s asleep,” Kaevin said.

“Just like Sleeping Beauty,” Beth quipped.

“What’s that?” asked Kaevin.

“Never mind.” Beth rolled her eyes. “Just kiss her, and I think she’ll wake up. We’ll leave you guys alone—nobody else is watching.”

“It’s worth a try, buddy,” said Wesley, clapping him on the shoulder as he and Beth slipped away.

Kaevin turned his gaze back to Alora and squeezed her hand. “Hey! Wake up!” But she didn’t react. He found himself checking to be certain she was breathing. Assured she was still alive, he leaned over on his elbow to place his lips on hers. Her lips were warm and soft, and he gently moved his mouth over hers. He thought he felt her lips move in response. He kissed her again more firmly, and felt, rather than heard, a moan.

“I know,” he whispered. “My head hurts, too.” He pressed his lips to hers again, and this time he felt her kiss him back. Her eyes fluttered open in surprise.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“I’m kissing you.”

“But people will see,” she whispered back.

“No one’s watching, and Beth thinks it will help us recover,” he said, stopping her next protest with his mouth. He slanted his mouth across hers, and her sigh sounded happy as she kissed him back and slid her hand around his neck.

“How’s your head?” he asked.

“Getting better,” she admitted. “Yours?”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy