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“Barlokaen!” Vindrake called out. “Ready the men and be certain each one is belted in iron. We must act is if Lena were a fully trained bearer. We will move onward to overtake them; we only need capture one man. If they try to return to Laegenshire, they will have to pass us on the road.”

“Yes, Master Vindrake.”

“Shall we discontinue the potion since it has already served its purpose?”

“We shall, and I am still unconvinced any purpose was served by drinking that foul concoction.”

He thought to defend himself, but cowed at the vicious look on Vindrake’s face.

“Master Vindrake?” Barlokaen asked. “What shall I do with the two men who failed on their mission? Do you want me to send them to work in the pits?”

Vindrake flipped his hand. “Kill them.”


“You see, we have overtaxed her,” Nordamen told Graely when Alora and Kaevin could not be roused from their sleep.

“That would explain Alora, but what of Kaevin?” Graely asked, concern creasing his face.

“His body may be stressed from his recent illness and too many transports.”

“Whatever the reason, we cannot remain here. The other two men will come back, probably bringing the rest of the group Jireo saw in the campground. We must continue on,” Morvaen’s heavy footsteps vibrated the ground as he paced. “And we dare not go back toward Laegenshire.”

“We’ll have to make a stand eventually,” said Graely. “They will overtake us for certain.”

“If we can reach the top of Jolvassae Canyon, we will have a defensible position,” Morvaen reasoned.

“Then we will leave now,” said Graely. “I will take Kaevin. You can carry Alora. We have the horse of the man who called himself Blenden. Pity we had to sacrifice the other. Perhaps Wesley and Beth can be persuaded to double up.”

Arista spoke up behind Graely. “I think Wesley should ride with me, and Beth with Jireo. They don’t know how to ride without bridles.”

“How is it you are always around when you are supposed to be somewhere

else? Weren’t you sent to help with the packing?” asked Morvaen.

“Your plan is a sound one, Arista. Now be gone, so we can talk privately as we thought we were before.” Struggling to stand, Graely groaned when pain shot through his shoulder.

“Of course, you cannot hold Kaevin with an injured arm. I can carry him.” Worry lines creased Nordamen’s face. “But I’m concerned Alora is not eating to regain her strength. We need her awake and with at least enough energy to bear herself and her friends to safety.”

Graely felt a tap on his back and twisted to find Beth standing with her hands on her hips. “You know, they need to be together to recover. I mean, I’m sure they need food and water and such, but they also need to be touching.”

“What do you mean? And by the way, it did not escape my notice you were listening to our private conversation.”

“Yes, sorry about that. But you need my input. You see, they’re soulmates, so they get some kind of strength from each other.” She wrinkled her nose. “I can’t explain it. It’s your thing—you explain it. We don’t have soulmates back where I’m from.”

“That’s not possible. Kaevin has been filling your head with tales.” He patted her arm. “They’re too young. Alora has only fifteen years, and Kaevin but seventeen.”

“Don’t tell me you’re no better than Raelene about this stuff. Kaevin told me you weren’t like that generation.”

“You know Raelene?” asked Nordamen.

“Yes, and she didn’t believe they were soulmates, either,” said Beth with obvious exasperation. “But you’d better at least consider the possibility, or you could have two dead kids on your hands.”

“They didn’t... They aren’t married, are they?” Graely felt a large lump inside his throat and worked hard to find enough spit to swallow.

“No,” said Beth.

“Good.” His chest relaxed. A little. Surely this girl is mistaken. His son and Alora couldn’t actually be soulmates. The danger of such a relationship would far outweigh any advantage, especially when both had so few years. “Nordamen... is it possible? Can soulmates even survive without being married?”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy