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“What’s chocolate chip cookies?” asked Kaevin.

“Kaevin, you poor deprived boy. You’ve never had chocolate chip cookies? I’m going to make you some, I promise.”

“And Beth’s are the best. You haven’t lived until you’ve had her chocolate chip cookies,” Alora declared.

True to her promise, Beth finagled Kaevin’s entrance to the school dance. They stashed their coats, and Wesley wandered to the refreshment table with Kaevin in tow.

“Don’t look now,” Beth whispered to Alora, “but Shanna Wallace is checking Kaevin out. I guess she’s tired of Justin and ready for a new challenge.”

Alora felt a surge of irritation at Shanna’s blatant appraisal of Kaevin. The insipid girl even nudged several of her cheerleader friends who joined her in ogling him. Had he noticed her assessment? He seemed oblivious, talking and laughing with Wesley, sampling the snacks. She had to admit, he looked good. The muscles on his broad shoulders were trying to burst out of his shirt. His long hair somehow suited him, framing his strong square jaw and emphasizing those amazing green eyes. As if he felt her gaze, he turned his head toward her and gave her a devastating smile, displaying a set of adorable deep dimples.

She’d only known him for a week, and she was already obsessed with him. Maybe her grandmother was right. Maybe they weren’t soulmates, as Kaevin had insisted. Maybe she was just head over heels in love with him. Or was it infatuation? Her grandmother had called it “young love.” Well, whatever it was she was feeling, it came with a healthy dose of possessiveness, because she was about ready to sock Shanna Wallace in the jaw. Shanna and her friends surrounded the two boys, and Shanna flirted with him, using exaggerated laughter to accidentally brush against him.

“Well, don’t just stand there,” Beth teased. “Do something.”

She blinked, and Kaevin was standing beside her. His surprised expression changed to a grin. “If you’d called my name, I would’ve come of my own accord.”


; Shanna and her cronies were staring, slack-jawed.

“I didn’t actually mean to do that.”

Beth laughed so hard she couldn’t catch her breath. “Oh. My. Gosh. I wish I’d had a camera to snap a picture of Shanna’s face.”

Wesley joined them, hiding his smile behind his hand. “I think Shanna would probably rather know you snatched him magically away instead of thinking he left of his own free will. Nobody’s ever walked away from Shanna Wallace.”

“I’m sorry.” She tried to hide her heated face. “I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t think I was the jealous type.”

Kaevin put his arm around her waist. “I plan to be jealous if the need arises.”

“No worries. No one’s going to be flirting with me. Guys don’t like me. I guess I’m too tall and awkward.”

“Is that really what you think?” Wesley frowned. “Plenty of guys like you. You just don’t ever talk to any of us. I only got the courage to come to your house this week because Beth talked me into it.”

“I don’t believe you.” Alora knew it couldn’t be true. Not a single guy had ever asked her out.

“Alora, you can be so dense. I don’t know how we can hang around each other all the time and be so different.” Beth grabbed Kaevin’s hand. “Let me borrow Kaevin for one dance, to teach him how to two-step. Don’t get mad and send me to the middle of the lake or something.”

“I won’t. I promise.” She stood beside Wesley in uncomfortable silence. “Ahem. Why did you say that… about guys liking me?”

“Why wouldn’t guys like you? Except you refuse to give any guy the time of day. Beth had to convince me you weren’t a total snob.”

“A snob? You thought I was a snob? I’m just shy, that’s all. I’m nobody—why would I be snobby?”

“Don’t get mad at me. I know you’re not snobby now. But it’s too late anyway, since you have a soulmate now.” He rolled his eyes before surveying the dance floor and offering his hand. “Wanna dance?”

“I’m not very good, and I’ll probably step on your feet.” She let him drag her onto the smooth polished wood.

“I’m not worried—I’ve got boots to protect my feet.” They joined the myriad couples moving and swirling in rhythm. “I just hope Kaevin doesn’t decide to punch me out.”

“I think he trusts you. Oops—sorry!” she said, missing a step.

He ignored her clumsiness. “Kaevin’s a good guy and fantastic with a bow. He almost beat me on the targets. He says he wants me to meet his friend Jireo and Jireo’s sister, because they’re both even better than he is.”

“Maybe when I get better at transporting, I can bring them here for a visit. Oops—sorry again.”

“No problem. We’re leaving really early tomorrow to go hunting. But don’t worry, I’ll have him home shortly after dark so you guys can hold hands again.” One side of his mouth lifted in a half smile.

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy