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“That’s simply the way of things in Laegenshire, but I could easily get used to the way of things here. Pushing a toggle to get water—it’s wonderful.” Raelene lifted the glass in her hand, taking a long swallow.

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like. We’ve got plenty of room.” Uncle Charles lowered his voice, bestowing a warm smile.

“Thank you, Charles. You’re so generous.” Her cheeks flushed.

“I feel like I have more energy than I thought.” Kaevin squeezed Alora’s hand.

“Me too. I’ve kind of gotten a second wind. Do you want to go to the dance after supper?”

“Certainly.” His dimples flashed as he winked. “You can teach me the Cotton-Eyed Joe.”

Chapter Seven

“Why have you returned so early?” Vindrake demanded. “You should be miles from here.”

“Yes, Master Vindrake.” The short man shuffled from one foot to the other, staring at his feet. “But we’ve heard something that seemed too important to wait. A man told us Graely had been through his shire yesterday afternoon inquiring about a girl of fifteen years.”

Abbadon observed the interchange with interest, always alert for an opportunity to promote himself to his unpredictable master and guard against his ire. In recent times, he’d grown increasingly short-tempered, apt to kill anyone who displeased him without a second thought. No one wished to be the bearer of bad news to the master of Water Clan.

“So... it is as I feared. Graely must know about Lena, and now he is searching for her as well.” Vindrake’s jaw muscles bulged as he clenched his teeth.

“But … there is more, Sire.”

“What more? Don’t waste my time. Out with it.”

“The man reported seeing a young girl of about that age riding fast and alone on a white horse some half-day behind Graely’s party. She was wearing a green cloak. He assumed this was the girl Graely had been searching for.”

Vindrake released a string of curses. “How has Graely managed to draw the girl to him?”

“If I may, Sire,” Abaddon said, “Graely has merely done our work for us. We need only take the girl from him while they are on the road.”

“I fully intend to take Lena from Graely. We will follow and strike when this vile potion has run its course,” declared Vindrake. “We will need our gifts.”

Abaddon fought against a growing dread. His prosperity, and perhaps his life, hinged on the success of his potion. He had to convince Vindrake the bloodbond mask was essential for Lena’s capture.

“But Sire,” Abaddon reasoned. “This can be accomplished easily while we are masked. Graely’s men won’t sense the bondmark, so he won’t be on alert. Two men can walk into the center of camp on pretense of hunger. When they locate Lena, they simply put a knife to her throat and walk away with her. Graely wouldn’t risk her life by attacking them.”

“And Graely? You suggest I miss my opportunity to kill him?”

“On the contrary, I believe you should kill him when he comes to retrieve the girl, after the potion’s effect is gone and we have regained our gifts.”

“Yes.... Yes, this could work,” said Vindrake with increasing excitement. “Lena must have reached him by now. There is no need to chase after them. We can simply wait for Graely to return on the road to Laegenshire while the potion wears off.”

“However, Graely might not return to Laegenshire with Lena. He might attempt to hide her farther away from you. Perhaps you should send some men after Graely’s group to ensure our success.”

“No, he will want to train Lena to use her gift. Only Raelene can teach her, and we know Raelene is still in Laegenshire.” He rubbed his hands together. “They will return with her, and we will be waiting.”

“Still, it can’t hurt to send four men to chase them. If they find Graely’s party is returning this way, they can merely allow them to pass to us. But Lena is too valuable to risk losing should Graely not behave as anticipated.”

“Very well,” Vindrake agreed with an impatient wave of his hand. “Make the needed arrangements to send a small party after them.” His black pupils dilated, almost covering the dark blue of his eyes. “Soon I will have Lena in my grasp.”


“Are you sure they’ll let Kaevin into the school dance?” Alora asked Beth, glancing at the teachers standing by the entrance.

“Just let me handle it. Mrs. Parker is manning the door, and she and I are like this.” She held up two fingers and crossed them. “I bring her chocolate chip cookies about every other week, so she loves me.”

“I need to try that trick with Mrs. Bennington. I’m doing terrible in Pre-Calculus.” Wesley laughed.

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy