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In a flash, Natalie and I are whisked away to the dressing rooms with an assortment of dresses. We’re shown everything from elegant to trendy to downright risqué. Gabriela insists that we try everything on, and with each dress comes another glass of champagne.

Food is catered for us throughout the morning; we’re pampered, treated like royalty, and given everything we ask for. I finally narrow it down to three dresses and am having a hard time deciding. I know which one Gabriela likes, but I’m not sure if the formal, elegant look is right for tonight.

I pull out my phone and call Bodhi, but by the fourth ring I’m losing hope he’s going to answer.

“What’s wrong??

? he asks, out of breath.

“Nothing, I—”

“I’m in the middle of rehearsal, Kim.”

Bodhi is short with me, catching me off guard. I don’t know what to say and my thoughts fumble. “Never mind,” I say, pressing end to disconnect the call. The feeling of tears is instant, and I do everything I can to fight them off. The last thing I want is for his mom to see me crying and ask me what’s wrong.

He calls me back immediately, but I ignore the call. I don’t have anything to say to him right now. Instead, I call Daphne to ask for her opinion.

“Hi,” I whisper, trying to keep my voice down.

“Why are you whispering?”

“Because I’m in a dressing room and Bodhi’s very famous mother is on the other side of the door waiting for me to decide which dress I want for tonight and I tried to call him to see if there’s a theme or a vibe but he’s busy.”

“He’s too busy for you?” I can hear the sarcasm in her voice, and I don’t like it.

“What does the newly labeled girlfriend of Bodhi McKnight wear to an event like this?” I tell Daphne my options, and she asks me to try each one on and send her a picture of each, which I do.

“Definitely the short one.”

“Are you sure?”

“Hell yes, with heels. Just don’t make yourself taller than him.”

I stare at the short black dress and wonder if she’s right. “Okay,” I concede, and promise to call her later. I come out of the dressing room with my choice hanging in front of me and can tell it’s not Gabriela’s favorite, but it is Natalie’s.

“Bodhi is going to flip out when he sees you in that dress,” Natalie says.

“I hope so.” Right now I’m not so sure. His brusque answer when I called has me second-guessing a lot of things right now. Which is crazy, I know. It’s just that I feel so insecure in his world, like I don’t belong or can’t compete with the onslaught of women who are vying for his attention. It doesn’t matter how many times I tell myself that he chose me; it doesn’t quell the nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that there are others out there waiting to pounce on him. Waiting for their moment to shine in his arms.

The car is there for us when we exit the store. The driver takes our bags and makes sure we’re settled before he shuts the door. Once again we’re treated to more champagne, and I’m feeling both a slight buzz and a recently developed headache. I thank Gabriela for the shopping trip, and she tells me with a smile that I’m very welcome.

We drive about two blocks and stop. The same routine happens, with more fans yelling out her name. She doesn’t pay them any mind as we enter a salon. Just like at the boutique, we get food, drinks, and even more pampering.

Our hair is done, manicure and pedicures complete, and makeup painted on to perfection. Never in my life have I done something like this.

“Let me see you,” Gabriela says, spinning my chair toward her. “Simply beautiful. Bodhi better shave if he wants to have his picture taken next to you tonight.” She winks, and my heart plunges. He can’t shave! I absolutely adore his stubble.

“Thank you.”

“Why don’t you and Natalie try on your dresses? Let’s make sure your hair is perfect.”

And just like that, the driver appears with our dresses. We’re ushered into the back room, where we change.

“I don’t think Gabriela likes my dress,” I whisper to Natalie.

“She probably doesn’t like the idea that it’s so short. I’m sure she’s thinking about her son and his less-than-clean mind.”

Looking at myself in the mirror with my heels on and my hair and makeup done, I can sort of understand his mother’s point of view. The dress is short and the heels accentuate my legs. Knowing Bodhi, he’s going to have trouble keeping his hands off me.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Virtuous Paradox Romance