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“It’s fine, Bodhi. You look tired.” She runs her fingers over the worry lines in my face. I am tired, but not because of work. I wasn’t exactly smart with my time last night. There were more important things to do than sleep once we went to bed.

I take her hand in mine and lead her out of the studio.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“You can ask me anything,” I tell her as we enter my room.

“You’re done working and it’s only six. How come when I wasn’t here you wouldn’t call me until after eleven?”

Pulling off my shirt, I toss it onto the ground and stalk toward her, picking her up, much to her delight, and taking her to the bathroom. I set her down only long enough to turn on the shower before I start undressing her.

“Rehearsal usually goes that late. But we have the show tomorrow night and we can’t look haggard on television. We need beauty sleep.”

She gives me a wry smile. “Maybe we should have gotten a little more sleep last night.”

I motion for her to get into the shower. “It was worth it, so don’t even think otherwise.”

She steps into the shower, letting the water cascade over her. Under the spray we kiss and fondle each other until I’m resting on my knees.

“I can’t get enough of you.” She spreads her legs and allows me to hook one over my shoulde

r as she leans against the tiled wall.

The first swipe of my tongue against her pussy sends shivers down my spine. Her fingers grab hold of my hair and pull, spurring me on. She’s a little vixen and doesn’t even realize it. And I love that she is free with her body, giving in to temptation and desire when she’s near me.

I softly nip at her bud while slowly giving her my fingers to ride, watching as she grinds against my hand and face.

“Do you like that?”

“Your stubble drives me crazy.”

“Do you want me to shave?”

“Fuck no,” she says, pushing her pussy back to my face. I take her command and work her over, lapping up her juices as she comes for me. Setting her trembling leg down, I stand and kiss her with all my heart. There is no doubt in my mind that I’m in love with this woman, and I know that she loves me back. I’m praying that it’s enough—enough to keep me out of harm’s way and do right by her. Because the last thing I want to do is let her down in any way.

By the time we’re done showering and dressing, the gang is at my house. When Kim and I come downstairs, my mom is entertaining the crew and looking like she’s having the time of her life. That sight alone makes me happy. Seeing her smile means the world to me.

We join the group and hugs are given as if we haven’t seen each other for days and not an hour or so. This is how Virtuous Paradox used to be until I fucked it up. Once I started using, Aspen was my only concern. All I wanted to do was spend time with her and no one else.

I decide to help our chef with dinner by throwing the steaks, chicken, and corn on the cob onto the grill. He frowns at me and slowly takes over, pushing me out of the way. I can’t cook worth shit, but I’m a self-proclaimed grill master.

At the sound of squealing, I turn around to find Brayden with Natalie and Maggie in his arms as he jumps into the pool. Everyone is laughing, and my mom is reminding him that Maggie can’t swim yet.

Kimberly comes to stand next to me and hands me a glass of iced tea. “Your mom says you like this.”

“I do, thank you.” I lean down and give her a quick kiss.

“Your mom is really nice.”

“My mom thinks you walk on water. I bet you’ll have fun tomorrow when you and Natalie go shopping with her.”

Kim’s eyes light up, but then she bites her lip. “I have to admit, I’m a bit scared.”

“Don’t be. You’re going to be treated like royalty, and my mom…well, she’s always wanted a daughter.” I shrug and sip my iced tea.

Kim takes me by the hand and leads me over to a lounge chair, pulling me down next to her so we’re sitting together. I like this, being able to hold her.

“How long have Brayden and Natalie been dating? I’ve never read anything about them.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Virtuous Paradox Romance