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“Yes,” he says, sighing. “We’re rusty and shit wasn’t flowing and Rebel was getting pissed at us.”


“Our manager and producer. She’s the one who put the group together. We do what she says.”

“So you’ve been working this whole time?”

“I promise you, Kimberly.”

“God, I’m such an idiot.”

Bodhi chuckles, but it doesn’t lighten my mood. “Babe, I think you’re the sexiest chick I’ve ever met. I’m not going to fuck this up. Besides, the way you wrapped your legs around my waist so my dick could fuck you was so hot. I can’t wait for you to get up here so I can make love to you in my bed.”

I have to clear my throat and adjust the way I’m sitting. Between his smooth voice and sexual innuendos, I’m beginning to get aroused.

“What are you wearing, Kimberly?”

“Clothes.” Even as I say it I chastise myself for not giving him a sexy response. It’s clear that Bodhi has more experience than I do, but I should know better. I know how to be sexy.

“Take them off.”

I take a deep breath and do just that, setting my phone down briefly. When I pick it up again I say, “What about you? What are you wearing, Bodhi?”

Before he answers, my phone beeps, telling me that he wants to do a video call. I hesitantly press the accept button and his face fills my screen.

“Hi,” I say, taking in his beautiful blue eyes and dark hair. His chest is bare, and I can only imagine what the rest of him looks like.

“You’re beautiful,” he tells me. I know he can see my bare breasts, but somehow I don’t feel shy.

“So are you.”

“You know, this is the first time I’ve seen you naked. We’ve fucked, but I couldn’t see shit in that closet.”

“Is this awkward?”

“Fuck no,” he says, adjusting so I can see more of him. “I’m just pissed that I’m not there to suck on your tits.” With his words my nipples harden. I think about covering myself up, but think he likely can’t see them through the phone.

Bodhi suddenly moves his phone, showing me his hard-on. His hand grips his shaft and he slowly moves his hand up and down. I lick my lips in anticipation, wanting to taste him.

“All day I’ve thought about you and that sweet pussy of yours and how it tightly it grips my dick, holding me captive until I give it everything I’ve got.”

“Bodhi.” His name falls from my lips as my hand travels down my navel and in between the lips of my pussy. My clit is starting to swell and waiting for some attention.

“When I see you again, Kim, I’m going to spread you out on my bed, lick your pussy until you come all over my face, and then enter you slowly until you envelop my cock. Once my hips start moving, it’s going to be slow until you start begging me to fuck your twat harder and harder.”

My finger slips into my wet opening as I watch him stroke his dick. He jerks and his phone wobbles, but he rights it in time for me to see him come all over his stomach. I’m instantly jealous of his abs, which are getting to feel what I want from him.

“Show me your pussy,” he commands. My hand shakes as I try to hold the phone and get myself off. “Fuck that twat faster,” he says, and I do, pushing not two but three fingers into me until my walls contract over them. It’s not the same as when his cock is inside me, pulsing with me, though. That is what I need.

“Fucking hello, Kim, that was the hottest thing I’ve witnessed in a long time. I think I’m going to like this version of phone sex.”

“I want the real thing,” I pant. “I want to hold and touch you, let my tongue roam over your body until I’m taking you in my mouth. I want to feel you inside me, Bodhi.”

He groans and runs his hand over his face.

“I have an awards show coming up. Would you like to be my date?”

“I’d love to,” I say without hesitation.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Virtuous Paradox Romance