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God, I love the way my name sounds when she says it. It’s something I want to hear every day for the rest of my life. I don’t care if I’m too young to make a life-altering decision like this. I know she’s the one.


“Kiss me. Kiss me like you’re never going to see me again. Kiss me like I’m

the last woman alive. Kiss me like I’m your salvation.”

“With pleasure.”

Her hands ghost up my shirt until her fingers are brushing along my neck. The way my skin pebbles causes my eyes to close. Kimberly trails her nails along my cheek until she’s outlining my lower lip and pulling me down gently to meet my lips with hers. The moment our tongues touch, she’s gripping the fabric of my shirt. My fingers spread into her hair so I can hold her to me, needing to feel her pressed against my body. Her hands roam, first over my pecs, then down to my abs; when she slips her hand under my shirt, my skin becomes electrified.

I want to touch her, feel her bare flesh against the pads of my fingers. My hand roams to her neck, over her shoulder, down her arm, and across her back until I have the courage to cup her breast in my hand. She moans in my mouth when I touch her, and I push into her, letting her know that I want her. Her hand rests against my ass as she grinds into me. I move my lips to her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses along her skin and over her shirt until my mouth is at her breast. I cup both breasts, massaging them in my hands, until she places her hands on my top of mine, stopping me.

“Sorry,” I tell her. The last thing I want to do is hurt her.

Kimberly doesn’t say anything, but guides my hands under her shirt until the tips of my fingers are touching her bra. I risk sliding a finger under the bottom, flesh on flesh, waiting to see what she says. Her hand brushes against my crotch, and I jerk, because I didn’t expect her to touch me.

And since I’m all about taking risks with her, I reluctantly take one hand away from her chest and undo my pants, letting her have whatever freedom she wants. She slides her hand into my boxer briefs and touches my hard-on. When her fingers run up and down my shaft I lose all sense and just about come in my pants.

“Fuck, Kimberly,” I say as I lift her shirt over her head and pull down the cups of her bra so I can taste her. God, how I want to see her right now, but if this is how she needs to do things, I’m game. I step to the side so she can still touch me and I can suck on her breast. My tongue flicks her nipple just as she pulls my dick out of my pants and starts stroking.

Kim straddles my leg and starts moving, looking for friction. I pull her skirt up over her hips to help her. The crotch of her panties is wet. I move it aside and give her two fingers. She cries out, digging her nails into my back.

“You’re so hard,” she says, running her hand up and down my shaft.

“You do this to me, baby.”

“Show me.”

I pause, but only briefly, then lift her up. She wraps her legs around my waist. The tip of my dick touches her core and fucking jumps into action. I brace myself against the wall and slide into her as she bites down on my shoulder.

“Your pussy is so fucking perfect,” I tell her as I thrust into her. She moans, taking every inch of my dick deep into her. “Shh,” I remind her.

She bites down on my lip, whimpering as I grab her ass and use her legs to help me pound into her. I cover her mouth with mine to keep her quiet. Anyone could open the closet and catch us, and as little as I care about what might happen to me, I do care about her and what could happen to her.

Kimberly starts moving against me, letting me know she’s close. I slide my hand in between us and press down on her clit to help her get her orgasm.

“Holy fuck,” I say as her walls pulse around my dick. “That’s the best feeling ever.” I stay still, relishing the feeling.

“Don’t fucking stop,” she says, digging her heels into my ass. I do as she says and am met with the most explosive rush of warmth I have ever experienced.

A loud bang outside stops us. Our hearts are pounding so loud we can’t hear what’s going on outside the closet. In an instant I’m soft, limp, and falling out of her. This is embarrassing, going limp before I can finish. I never thought I’d be in a situation like this, and definitely not with her. The only thing I can do to save face is let her down gently, kissing her neck, as I act like it’s no big deal that I lost my erection.

We search for her shirt, and after she dresses, I pull her to me and hold her, kissing her softly.

“I only have a week left,” I whisper into her hair, which smells like coconut, the beach, and summer—three of my favorite things.

“I know.”

“I can’t leave unless I know I’ll see you outside here.”

“You can’t stay here, Bodhi. You have a life.”

“And I want to try it out with you,” I say, kissing her quiet.

Chapter 12

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Virtuous Paradox Romance