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“It’ll get better,” she says soothingly.

“How do you know?”

“Because you’ll find the one thing that replaces that high. It’s different for everyone. If we knew what it was, we’d bottle it and sell it, but we can’t. Each person has to dig deep in self-discovery and hold on to the one thing that gives them hope and gives them the rush they need to get through the day.”

“What if I think I found it? The one thing that will replace the high that I’m craving?” I step around my horse and come face-to-face with her. The sunlight kisses her, making her eyes sparkle. They’re as blue as mine, but different. What I see in hers gives me hope that I can be a better person.

“Then you need to do what you can to hold on to whatever it is that you found.”

I step a little closer, trying to quell my dirty thoughts. With the amount of privacy we have out here it’d be so easy to fuck in the grass or up against the tree. She’d be able to scream out my name as I make her come all over my dick and no one would be able to hear her. That right there would be my high. The exhilaration alone would be enough to sustain me.

“You sound like Dr. Rosenberg,” I say, trying to change the subject before I do something both of us will regret.

“Oh, I don’t think I’m that bad, Bodhi. I want you to succeed. Maybe it’s because you have such a promising future—I’ll get some small gratification from knowing that your success is well earned. You’re not going to fail as long as I’m your friend.”

“You want to sit in the crowd while I’m up onstage and know that you had a hand in my being there?” I step a bit closer to her, and her chest heaves. She can step back, but she doesn’t. Kimberly licks her lips and meets my gaze.

“I’m not much of a concertgoer.”

“So the idea of watching me onstage seduce the women who fantasize about me isn’t something you want to see? Or do you want something in private? Do you want your own show, Kimberly?”

She shakes her head slowly, breaking our connection. Gently I pull her chin toward me so I can see her eyes. Her cheeks flush from my simple touch, causing a stirring in my groin.

“Yes and no,” she whispers among the trees, horses, and other wildlife.

“Which is it, Kimberly? Do you want to see me onstage or would you like a private show?”

“It’s wrong.”

“What’s wrong?” I ask as my fingers move down her neck. The attraction two people feel toward each other is never wrong, unless one or both of them are married to other people.

“This…the touching. The way I feel. I know better.”

“Do you want me to stop touching?” My hand ghosts over her exposed skin from her neck to her shoulder and along her collarbone. Feather-light touches meant to entice.

“I’m not sure anymore.”

“Of what?”

“Of anything.” Her chest heaves as she says that.

My hand grazes her side, and as if that is her trigger, she launches herself into my arms. I stumble before righting us, careful not to drop her. Her tongue pushes into my mouth as her arms wrap around my neck and her fingers weave into my hair. Finally, after a week of watching her shake her fucking ass in my face, my hands are gripping it and pulling her to me. I open my eyes briefly to check my surroundings and find a tree a few steps away. That is where I take her, and we swap fluids.

With one hand holding onto the branch slightly above, I push her into the tree. She arches her back, grinding herself against me. I’m fucking hard and loving every minute of this little vixen’s attempt at getting off.

“Fuck, I want to touch you,” I say against the hollows of her neck. She nods, whimpering as I bite along her collarbone.

Letting go of the branch, my hand slides easily into her ridiculous excuse for shorts until I’m touching a flimsy piece of cloth covering her already wet pussy.

“I bet you taste fucking divine,” I tell her as my knuckle swipes along her core. She bucks, showing me what she wants. “Look at me, Kimberly. I want to see your face when my fingers push into your cunt.”

She does, and my cock screams, begging to be freed from the confines of my shorts. First one, than two fingers enter, and her eyes roll back. I pump my hand and try to maneuver so my thumb can go to work on her clit, but I’m unable to unless I want to move to one side, and I don’t because the pressure from her rubbing up and down my body is giving me the biggest high ever. I never realized sex could be a drug.

I speed up, watching her face morph into bliss. Her fingers dig into my skin and he

r mouth falls open, inviting me in. I slam my mouth down on hers, taking her moans deep into the recesses of my soul. It’s a fucking thrill, knowing I’m making her feel this way.

She bucks her hips and starts fucking my hand. I look down where my hand disappears into her shorts and feel my cock get even harder. Watching her get herself off is the single fucking sexiest thing I have ever witnessed.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Virtuous Paradox Romance