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“Dance with me, Fiona.”

It’s not a request, but a demand. A damn sexy one at that. Roman leads us to the dance floor and starts moving our bodies to the beat. I can feel his need for me growing, and I find myself pushing into him. His mouth is everywhere along the back of my neck, and his hands move freely along my body, massaging my breasts. As I look around, I expect people to stare, to gawk, but they’re all focused on whoever they’re with. No one here gives a shit what the other person is doing, and I find myself not caring that Roman is dry humping me in the middle of a crowded bar. There’s something seriously wrong with me right now.

Roman’s hand snakes under my blouse, and his ice-cold hand gropes my breast. I lean into him, turning my head. “Not here, Roman. Not like this in front of everyone.”

“Your home is not safe for me. Can I take you to mine?”

“Are there coffins?”

His laughter vibrates against me. “No, darling. There are no coffins, bats or any of the other folklore you may have read.”

“What about faeries and werewolves?”

Roman stops moving. I turn in his arms and place my hands on his cheeks. “Roman?”

After a long minute, he winks. “You read too many books.”



Swiftly, I take us to my home, which isn’t far from hers. In front of my door, she leans into my back as I insert the key into the lock. I can sense her anticipation as well as her reservation; she knows why we’re here. She knows what we’re about to do. Her hands are running along my sides, teasing me. In one smooth motion, I pull her into my arms, cross over the threshold and slam the door, pressing her against it.

“Roman,” she breathes out as I press my body against hers, my hands roaming, touching everywhere they can before she tells me to stop.

“Fiona, do you want this?” I ask again, needing her assurance. I won’t make her do anything she doesn’t want, and I need her to tell me what she wants, what her desires are.

As I snake my tongue along her jaw, inhaling her scent, she lets out a slight gasp. Her body is warm and soft; she melts into me. “I want you, Roman,” she whispers.

I step away, grabbing her hand, pulling her across the open layout of my home toward the bedroom. She glances around the room, probably looking for something that screams vampire, which I find mildly amusing. She’s been fed a lot of garbage propaganda about vampires, which is clear.

“Do you need anything?” I ask her before we reach my master suite.

Without a word, she shakes her head. I pause for a moment, just taking her in. She’s beautiful, and even though I’m not her first, there’s an innocence behind her eyes I can’t get enough of. I pull her to me for a kiss. It’s slow and soft at first but escalates quickly as she slides her tongue along my teeth, gently biting my lower lip. I can’t resist any longer and use my abilities, I launch us to the bed. We lay side by side, and while she looks startled at first for a moment, she quickly smiles and begins to plant kisses on my neck. Her movements are fluid and sensual. With nimble fingers, Fiona begins to unbutton my shirt with one hand.

I roll over, caging her beneath me, propped on my arms and take her in again. I need to make sure there’s no apprehension before this happens. Once I bite her, we’ll be bonded for the rest of her life or until either of us sever the bond. As if she’s reading my mind, she says, “I want you to bite me tonight, Roman.”

A grin spreads across my face knowing she can see my fangs now. The anticipation of biting her, of tasting her blood for the first time is almost too much to bear. My cock becomes harder and presses against my jeans almost painfully. “I won’t hurt you, Fiona,” I promise.

“I know you won’t.” She pulls me toward her for a kiss.

I do plan to bite her tonight, drinking her in. I fully intend to finally satiate my thirst for her. But first, I need her to let go. I want to pleasure her, I need her to come undone for me. Our kiss becomes more passionate, and I can feel she’s ready for me to lead this moment. Without wasting any more time, I gently pull her up to her knees with me on the bed, staring into her eyes. She waits for me to undress her with expectancy. A slight coy smile forms across her lips as she watches me take the hem of her shirt and slide it up and over her head. It’s times like these when I wish I were human so I could remember what it felt like to gasp at the woman in front of me with her beautiful breasts and soft curves.

Her heart is beating faster than normal, forcing the blood through her body like rapids, and I swallow hard at the thought of her blood trickling down my throat. She’s wearing an insanely sexy black bra with lace that barely covers her tight nipples, which I have no doubt desire my attention. Fiona runs her hands along my chest, kissing and nipping at me, leaving me no choice but to finish what she started. Instead of working the buttons of my shirt, I rip it from my body and throw the remnants onto my bedroom floor.

My need for her grows. I need her beneath me, on top of me, anywhere gravity allows. I scoop her into my arms, laying her down, and practically rip her pants off. This lead up is making me insane, and when I see her lying on my bed in nothing but her sexy lingerie, I’m done moving slow. I’d done being patient. Moving on top of her, I slide the strap of her bra down, revealing the pale pink nipple of her breast and run the pad of my thumb over it, causing her breath to hitch. I do the same to the other before taking one into my mouth, rolling my tongue around it. She moans in pleasure, grabbing my hair and bucks her hips slightly. Her hands are frenzied, trying to get my pants undone. I do my best to help her, but honestly, I’m too focused on getting her remaining garment off. I want her naked and spread out on my bed, ready for the feast. Fiona manages to get my pants pushed over my hips, and my cock free.

If Fiona has any qualms about what’s about to happen, she doesn’t say a word. Instead, she wraps her legs around me, looking up at me through her lashes. “You’re beautiful, Fiona; I want you so badly.”

“Take me, Roman; I’m yours,” she whispers through heavy breaths. So I do. I make her mine.

For a man who never has to blink and who h

as to force himself to have human habits, there’s nothing making my eyes roll back into my head except for the pure unadulterated pleasure I feel having Fiona wrapped around me. She rocks against me, urging me to make love to her. Who the hell am I to deny this woman? I’ve wanted her, courted her and finally have her in my bed, and yet I’m frozen, unable to move. Her feather light kisses bring me to my senses, and my hips start thrusting forward, pushing deeply into her core. We make love, exploring each other, being one with each other.

“I want to feed you, Roman.”

I’m so lost in her, I don’t ask for confirmation but pull back to look in her eyes. She nods at me with no apprehension, and I bare my fangs to her. Her eyes light up, and her legs tighten around me as I move in on her neck. Before I allow my animal instinct to kick in, I drag my tongue along the spot I intend to leave my mark upon her pristine flesh. Still making love, her nails dig into my sides as I sink my teeth in and she cries out, freezing up as I start to drink her in.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Clutch Fantasy