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“Fiona, it’s against the law for us to turn anyone.”

I glance over my shoulder to find about eight or so vampires looking rather hungry. “What’re they doing?”

“Kiss me, Fiona. They think you’re here on your own and are willing to be with them.”

Roman doesn’t give me a chance to understand what he’s said before his lips are on mine. Without hesitation, my hand goes to his hair, and I pull him closer, needing to not only taste him but also feel him pressed against me. There are a few mumbles behind us, and the music has started back up. When Roman pulls away from me, I feel the loss of him instantly. “Can I show you around?”

I nod and take his hand as I slide down from the barstool. The deeper we walk into the recess of the club, the tighter my grip is on his hand. Not because of what I see, it’s because of who’s looking at me, eyes everywhere with intense stares that cause the fine hairs on my arms to rise.

In the back of the club is a dance floor. Half clothed bodies gyrate, people make-out and I swear I see a couple having sex. The vampire male looks up from his consort and winks before disappearing. I strain my head to try and see where they went, but to no avail.

Roman pulls back a black curtain and motions for me to step through. “Back here is where you can go for some privacy.”

“Like sex?”

He shrugs. “Yes, but also for feedings. Some humans don’t want others to watch. Plus, this is where the um…”

“Juice hustlers?”

“No, we call them prostitutes just like you, and contrary to popular belief, we don’t need to bite our partner to achieve an orgasm. The act only heightens the experience for everyone involved. Anyway, this is where they work.”

“Do you want to watch a feeding?”

I shake my head but stop quickly. “I don’t know, do I?”

“It’s only something you can answer, Fiona. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

“What if someone wants to feed off me?”

“Absolutely not,” Roman says. “I won’t allow it.”

“What if I want it?”

“Then you don’t want me. I don’t share, Fiona. You’re not some shiny toy I want to pass around.”

“But you share these women,” I point out.

“That’s different. The mindset is different.”

“I see.” Except, I don’t. “Do you sleep with the women here?”

I think if Roman could breathe, he’d let out an exasperated sigh right about now. “In the past, yes, but not since I’ve met you.”

A vampire and an overly giggly woman brush past, taking the room right behind us. They don’t bother to shut the curtain, letting anyone passing by watch what they’re about to do. He kisses her, groping her breast and grinding against her. His mouth leaves her and trails toward her neck.

Her eyes flash open, and then a soft, satisfying smile appears. She looks elated that he’s sucking the life right out of her. Completely content with what’s going on. I look away and place my hand on my stomach, waiting for dinner to work its way back up.

“They’re together,” Roman says.

“How can you tell?

“Vampires see bonds between a vampire and a human consort. If another vampire were to bite her, her mate has every right to kill the other. He’d likely kill his mate too for betraying him.”

“So what you’re telling me is, if you bite me, I can only be with you.”

“No, bonds can be broken. They just don’t happen often.”

“I feel like there are so many rules, and yet I know none of them.” I turn and leave Roman in the hallway, I make it about three feet before Roman’s chest is pressed against my back and his arm is around my waist. His lips trail from my collarbone to my ear, in a languid motion. Each kiss meant to turn me on.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Clutch Fantasy