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Slipping my car into reverse, I pull out of the parking spot and into drive. I tell myself that seeing her via a computer is better than nothing, and I’m not going to wait for her to call me. I’m going to take the initiative so she knows I’m interested. My phone beeps, and I glance at the screen. I stop in the middle of the lane and stare at Yvie’s name on my screen. My fingers twitch as I slide my thumb over her name and her message appears.

Tiny Dancer: Do you have plans for New Year’s Eve?

I put my car in park and read her text message again. My automatic response is to say ‘you’, but we won’t be together so I tell her exactly what I hope to be doing.

I’d love to spend it with you, but since we won’t be together seeing you through my phone or computer will have to do.

I hit send before I can erase the cheese oozing out of my message. I really need to be more manly and less of a sissy. I set down my phone and try to resist checking it constantly to see if she’ll text back right away. I could park and just text her until she has to turn off her phone, or I can leave.

My decision is made for me when my phone beeps, and her name shows on my screen again

Tiny Dancer: I’m not going back until after NYE. Can you come get me???

My eyes bug out of my head when I read her message. I read it again just to make sure I comprehend everything clearly. I throw my car into reverse and drive as fast as I can back to the spot I just vacated. Backing in, my door is open before I even put my car in park. My heart is racing with anticipation and dread. What if she’s only asking me to get her because I just dropped her off? Realistically, I’m the closest and her brother is still celebrating Christmas and has probably had a few too many to drink. Katelyn could come get her, but maybe Yvie wants me to pick her up.

I speed walk back toward the terminal, trying not to look eager. I didn’t respond to her message, and I don’t want her to think I’m ignoring her. Yvie stands on the curb chatting with the attendant, and a pang of jealousy courses through me when he brushes something off her jacket. My walk turns to a slow here-I-come jog.

“Yvie,” I yell out, not only to get her attention, but to get that of the attendant who should be checking people in curbside.

She sidesteps the man and smiles. I slow down and take in the moment. I’m going to spend New Year’s Eve with the beauty that is only a few feet away from me. This may be a cause for a resolution even though I don’t believe in them.

When I reach her, I cup her face and pull her to my lips. We may have only parted a half hour ago, but this guy standing here doesn’t know that. And if Yvie told him by chance, then he knows I’m marking my territory, even if it’s temporary.

“Are you ready?” I ask as my hands slide from her cheek and one moves over her shoulder and down her arm until my fingers are nestled in between hers. She nods, and I reach around her to grab the handle to her suitcase.

“What happened?” I’m not trying to burst my little bubble of happiness right now, but I’m curious. She’s never failed to remind me that she was leaving tonight.

Yvie stops us in our tracks, her hand remaining in mine. I give her fingers a light squeeze.

“I got a text from a friend, and it wasn’t the best news. It made me do a lot of thinking, and I figured I’d rather spend the rest of my year here.” She shrugs as if it’s no big deal that she didn’t get on her flight to NYC.

“A lot of thinking in…” I look at my watch and smirk. “Thirty minutes or so?”

She steps forward, bridging the gap between us. “Sometimes all it takes is a few words for someone to realize that they’re not ready to leave.”

I lean forward and kiss her forehead. “Well, whatever you found out, I’m happy you decided to stay here. Let’s get you home.”

I start to walk, but she pulls me back. I look at her questioningly. “I was thinking I could stay with you tonight?”

She doesn’t have to ask me twice. I nod quickly and pull her just a bit harder to get her moving. I’ve never been so excited to get home until now.

I’m naked and warm. I’m cocooned in the arms of a man that I just met and who makes me feel beautiful and desired, who makes me feel cherished and extremely sexy. The moment I read Lindsay’s text, my mind was made up to stay. I had thought about it all day yesterday. I didn’t want to leave my family so quickly, and when Peyton thanked me for her necklace my heart broke at the knowledge that I couldn’t spend more time with her. My opportunity to get to know her better was flashing like a beacon and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

I never thought Oliver would do that – replace me with my understudy – because I took some personal time during our hiatus. This is his way of showing me who’s the boss, and I’m fine with that. I can go back to work with my head held high and throw the biggest diva bullshit move he’s ever seen. If he thinks, for one moment, that I’m going to sit by and let some two-bit slut take away my lead, he’s got another thing coming. If he has issues with my form, he must be training her hard to fix hers. There’s a reason she’s an understudy. Unless, of course, the only form he’s concerned with is the one she’s mastering while on her knees.

“You’re hurting my hand and thinking far too hard for this early in the morning,” Xander mumbles into this crook of my neck. I’ve never been a cuddler, but being in his arms like this makes me never want to leave. He has a king-size bed, and we’re smack dab in the middle. No his side, no her side. Not that I have a side, but being in his arms makes me feel like I could.

I hadn’t realized I was squeezing his hand until he said something. I ease up on my grip and try to move closer to him. There’s little space, if any, and my movements cause him to groan. I stifle a laugh and don’t say anything. With my back against his chest, I wiggle again and his hand clamps down on my hip.

“You’re going to be the death of me.” He nuzzles deeper into my neck and places his lips against my shoulder.

“Oh, well we can’t have that.” I start to pull away, only to be pulled back against this chest as he continues peppering my neck and shoulder with kisses. His scruff brushes against my skin, causing goosebumps. My hand reaches down in between us, finding him ready and hopefully willing. It never occurred to me what it would mean to Xander when I texted him last night asking him to come back and get me. I want to ask him where he sees us going, but the truth of the matter is, I can’t see past next week. I’d be foolish to make any type of gesture with him that might lead him on. Besides, long-distance relationships don’t work out, and our schedules really aren’t conducive to even trying.

Xander pulls my hand, leaving me with me no choice but to let go of him. He moves us slightly, locking our conjoined hands down onto the bed and pushes my leg up with his, giving him the perfect angle to take me. His cock brushes against me, and I hiss. I’m sensitive after last night and early this morning. Xander has a healthy appetite for sex, not that I’m complaining.

He pulls back and sits up on his elbow. “Are you sore?” he asks as he takes his hand away from mine and trails his fingers over my exposed breast. My skin pebbles, and my nipples peak. Xander doesn’t wait for an answer as he licks my nipple, pulling the bud with his teeth. His hips thrust as he rubs his hard on along my pussy.

“Answer me, Yvie. If you’re sore, I’ll stop.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance