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“I’m right there, baby.”

His laughter shakes my reverie. When I focus, I find him leaning up against the kitchen counter with his ankles crossed. His eyes are focused on me. Does he know what I’ve been thinking about?

He follows Liam and Jimmy into the dining room. Liam kisses Josie and I find myself wanting Harrison to do the same. But he doesn’t. He sits across from me, and it seems like a mile apart compared to how close we were last night. I fight every urge I have to leap across the table and climb onto his lap.

Jimmy pulls out the chair next to me. He sits down and places his arm on the back of my chair. I look quickly at Harrison. His lips are in a thin line, even though I know how full they are and he’s frowning. A chill runs down my spine, thinking that he’s jealous of Jimmy. It’s a little exciting I have to admit. Not that I plan on making him jealous or anything.

“What’s the plan for tonight?” Jimmy asks. It’s nice that he’s been spending more time here, but I imagine his harem of girls are getting antsy for his return.

“I’m going to curl up with a good book,” Jenna says.

“You need to curl up with a good man,” Josie adds, causing the guys to laugh. Subtlety is not her forte, apparently.

“Jenna, sweetheart, I’m a man who loves a good cuddle every now and again,” Jimmy adds his two cents. Jenna turns red and scowls at Josie, who seems oblivious. I know she means well, but not everyone is going to have that instant love like her and Liam. I shake my head at Jimmy. He’s not as smooth as he thinks he is.

“What about you, H-man, who are you doing tonight?” Jimmy asks as Harrison spits out his water all over the table and starts coughing. I have to hang onto my chair so I don’t get up and rub his back, even though that’s exactly what I want to do.

Harrison sets his water down and pounds on his chest. Liam and Josie are laughing and I suppose it’s funny, but I’m awaiting his answer. We haven’t made plans and the girls are home. Not that it makes a difference. We’ve done plenty of things together.

“My son and I are hoping to have dinner with three very beautiful women that we know.”

The room is suddenly quiet as all eyes are on me. I can feel ten sets staring me down, waiting for my answer.

I sit up straight and meet Harrison’s questioning eyes. “We’d be honored to have dinner with you and Quinn,” I say proudly. The gasps are enough to confirm that whatever Harrison and I are, the group here says we’re dating, and I’m very okay with that.

FAMILY. That is what surrounds me now. Sitting to my left is Katelyn. On my right is Josie. Nestled in my arms is Elle, who just fell and hit her head on the bleachers. Quinn stands next to Liam and Peyton while they stand along the fence cheering for Noah. I’m not a football fan, never have been. Honestly, if I had known Liam in school, I wouldn’t be his friend, but here I sit, watching a game I don’t understand and yelling as loudly as the next person because that is what family does.

It’s been just over a month since I asked Katelyn and the girls to dinner and almost every night since, we’ve eaten as a family. She’s yet to spend the night again, but we’ve found plenty of time to be a couple. At least that’s what I’m calling us. The kids haven’t said anything, even though I have a feeling Quinn knows. He’s started coming home with Peyton and Elle after school and that all but forces me to pick him up at Katelyn’s.

I’ve been told not to knock and to enter through the side door. Each time I’m greeted with a hug from Elle, half a smile from Peyton, a nod from my son and from Katelyn, I get the look that tells me she wants to rush up and kiss the shit out of me if the kids were in another room.

Every day I learn something new, and with each revelation I fear that I may be falling in love with her. It’s definitely a feeling like no other that I’ve experienced, and I’m not exactly sure how to handle it, except continue to do what I’m doing and let her lead our relationship. If that means I’m going to freeze my ass off on Saturday mornings so we can watch Noah play football, then so be it.

“Hey baby,” Katelyn says beside me. Oh how I wish she was talking to me, but since I’m holding half of her precious cargo in my arms, I know otherwise. Elle rubs her face along my sweatshirt. Her fingers are digging into the back of my neck. She fell pretty hard and even though my heart hurt for her, it soared when she opted for me instead of Katelyn to hold her. I shouldn’t gloat, but every man needs a little beauty in his life, and Elle is my princess.

“How does she look?” I ask over the top of her head. Katelyn looks worried and that concerns me. I haven’t had to deal with Quinn being hurt before, as he’s had a pretty sheltered life. Homeschooling and hanging out with my mom don’t exactly offer an abundance of mishaps. I know they went to the park often, but aside from a skinned knee, nothing too bad.

“It’s a goose-egg and black and blue. She needs ice.”

“I’ll go get some,” I offer. I put my hands on Elle’s side only for her to moan and cling onto me even tighter. “Elle, sweetie, I’m going to get you some ice for your bump.”

She shakes her head. “Mommy go.”

“Don’t you want mommy to hold you?” I ask, hoping to change the sad look on Katelyn’s face. It’s one that I don’t think even my kissing can change. Elle pulls herself tighter against my chest.

“I’ll go,” Katelyn says softly. She rubs her hand down Elle’s back before she gets up and steps down the bleachers with ease. I follow her as she walks over to Noah’s bench and asks for a bag of ice. I suppose if you’re going to have an accident like this, this is the place to do it.

“How are things going?” Josie asks as soon as Katelyn’s out of earshot.

“Things are good.”

“I heard you’ve been having dinner together.”

I laugh. “It’s just dinner. Quinn and the girls get along well and Katelyn is good company.” I don’t need Josie to be let in on what’s really going on. I know Katelyn has been talking to her, but we’ve been keeping things from the kids for a reason. It’s been at my encouragement that we ease the girls into what’s going on. I don’t want them to think I’m trying to replace their dad, because I’m not. I want to be someone that they can count on and

be there for them when they need me. Quinn – I know how he feels – it’s just a matter of time before I tell him everything.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance