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“I’m positive. I want this with you.”

“Katelyn?” A hand slams down on the table making me jump.


“I asked you a question,” Josie says.

“Sorry, what?”

“What is wrong with you?” she says. I look from her to Jenna and shake my head.

“Nothing, I’m just tired.”

“Late night?” Jenna asks.

“No, not really.” My night wasn’t long, just over stimulating. I was exhausted when I left Harrison’s house this morning. Yesterday, when he showed up at mine, I had no idea we would take our relationship to that level. Hell, I don’t even know if we have a relationship, because neither of us discussed it. All I know is if he doesn’t want me, I’m going to become a nun and lock myself away.

“Well you seem really tired,” Josie says with concern in her voice. If she only knew that sleep wasn’t something I did much last night, she’d be giddy and beside herself planning my wedding. I know she’s waiting for me to tell her that Harrison and I are together, but honestly, if we are, I want to leave it a secret for a little while longer until I can tell the girls. I’m not sure how Peyton is going to handle me dating. Hell, I’m not even sure if I’m going to handle me dating.

“Sorry, I just didn’t sleep well.” I add hoping she’ll leave it alone. “What was your question?”

“What?” she asks. Jenna starts laughing and I quickly follow. Josie has wedding on the brain and is sidetracked so easily.

“She wants to know if you’re ready for Los Angeles,” Jenna says, covering for Josie.

“Yeah, it’ll be fun,” I say. I’m hoping this trip gives Harrison and I some definition on our relationship. We have a few band things to do – if they decide I’m still going to be their manager – and we’ll be away from the prying eyes and gossip hounds of Beaumont. Something I desperately need.

“I’m so excited.”

“Only because you’ll be on that hunk of man’s arm when he walks the red carpet,” Jenna says, rolling her eyes.

“You need a man,” Josie says.

I punch her lightly in the arm. “What’s with you? First me and now Jenna? Maybe we like being single.”

Josie starts laughing. “I know for a fact you’re not single, no matter what you tell yourself, and Jenna… my dear sweet Jenna, it’s been four years. Let me find you someone.”


enna and I roll our eyes. Jenna hasn’t dated since she moved to Beaumont and after what she went through, I don’t think I’d date either, although someone would be hard pressed to lay a finger on her now. Liam and Harrison treat her like a sister, and that has to mean something to her.

“I don’t need a guy, Josie. I have you guys, you’re my family.”

“But what about sex?” Josie squeals. Jenna turns red and I look the other way. If we were in public, I’d be so embarrassed.

“Sex isn’t everything,” Jenna answers back and every part of me wants to yell that yes it is, but I keep quiet.

“Okay,” he says as he tears open the wrapper and sheaths himself. I scoot forward as he grabs my hips, bringing me on top of him. He moves my skirt, using it to cover us. His finger finds me again, but only briefly as he moves my panties aside and slides into me. I dig into his neck with my nails as he fills me.

“Oh fuck, Katelyn,” he says through gritted teeth. He has a firm hold on my hips as he moves me up and down. I’ve always been in control when I’m on top, but he’s clearly leading us, setting the pace.

His hand slides under my shirt, his fingers pinching my nipple. I scream out. He silences me with his mouth. “Ssh, baby.”

I don’t want to be quiet. I want to scream at the top of my lungs, because right now, that is the only way I can express myself. He slides in and out, filling me each time. He moans when I come down on him, only for him to repeat the motion. He rocks us back and forth, the friction from my panties pushes against my clit, increasing the heat in my stomach.

“Oh God,” I say against his mouth.

He increases our speed. The bike wobbles a bit but we don’t fall, although we deserve to end up in the hospital for being this stupid.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance