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The door opens to the gym, and two voices try to talk over my music. I stop fighting myself in the mirror and go over to the sound system and turn it down.

“You stupid fucker,” Ethan Davenport says as he turns the corner, followed by Cooper Bailey and Branch Singleton. I must look shocked, because he shakes his head and says, “Shut your mouth. You’re not my type.”

“That’s not what your wife said,” I add, confident that he knows I’m joking.

The guys make their way over to me, and we hug it out man style. I get a bit choked up that they’re here and have to clear my throat before speaking. “What’s going on?”

Cooper squeezes Ethan’s shoulder. “This asshole thought you could use some company.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t have to take time away from your family and your kids.” I look at Branch and Cooper especially. Branch has been trying to spend as much time with his son as possible, but the boy’s mother doesn’t make it easy. And Cooper’s twins aren’t more than two months old.

“I’ll fly back to Seattle before Christmas,” Ethan says.

“And Ainsley and the twins are here. They came with me,” Cooper adds.

“My boy is with me until spring training starts,” Branch states.

“No shit?” I say to Branch, who nods. Having his son here is a huge milestone for him, and I know he has to be overjoyed.

“Well, fuck, I don’t know what to say.”

“How about you tell us you’re fucking starving and in need of a beer?” Cooper rubs his stomach while the guys laugh.

“Yeah, I could go for some grub.”

The guys help me close up the gym and wait for me to change back into my winter wear before we head out for some lunch. We head to the Bleacher Bar, a place we’d like to enjoy during the season but never can. The back wall of the bar opens up over the stadium and center field, giving the diners a unique ambience. Of course, when there’s a game, we’re always playing.

“Hey, you guys…oh, wow.” It’s clear the waitress knows who we are when we walk in. The four of us smile and follow her to a table. Of course, she gives us one that overlooks the field. “What can I get for you?”

“I’ll have a water,” I say, while the others order beer. This is part of keeping my nose clean. If my brain isn’t fogged up with booze, every decision I make can be done with a clear head.

As soon as she walks away, Branch leans in. “What the fuck is going on?”

I fill him in on what I know, and on the day I went in for questioning. Everyone seems in agreement that it’s strange that it’s been almost a week and the results haven’t been made public.

“Do you think they don’t have enough to charge you?” Ethan asks.

“They can’t charge me with anything related to my DNA, because I didn’t touch her. But I’m assuming she took my jacket home. I’m not really sure because I haven’t heard whether the police were able to retrieve it from the bar.”

“How’d she get your jacket?” Cooper asks.

This is where I have to be careful with my story. I still don’t know why Saylor won’t come forward, and I had planned to find out the other night at dinner, but the nice gentleman who stalked us ruined that for me.

I lean in farther so we’re huddled together, and speak quietly. “I left the bar to speak to someone else, and the chick came after me, which pissed me off. So I bailed, leaving my jacket in the bar. And now she has it.”

“And now she’s crying rape?” Branch tsks as I nod. “That’s fucked up.”

“That’s the tip of the iceberg,” I say, righting myself. “I’m sure you’ve heard that others are coming forward, saying the same thing.”

“Man, I told you this shit would catch up with you.” Branch slaps me on the back, reminding me of the many times he told me to curb my partying and I didn’t listen. He was an example of what not to do—a cleat-chaser he hooked up with ended up pregnant.

“And I’m paying the price for not listening.”

The server returns with our drinks, and we place our order. We watch SportsCenter for a few minutes before the conversation picks up again.

“How are the twins?” I ask Cooper, who beams at the mere mention of his children.

“Hands down the best and hardest accomplishment of my life. Ainsley’s a fucking machine when it comes to the babies. She has everything down to a T.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Boys of Summer Romance