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“It’s not that, Travis.”

“Then what is it?” he pleads.

Before I can answer, our food is delivered, and my stomach embarrasses me by gurgling loud enough for him to hear. He laughs and motions toward Lucy. “I’ll get her,” he says as he slides out of the booth. I can’t help but follow him as he goes to my daughter. She comes running to him and jumps into his arms. I need to caution her on some boundaries, except the look on not only her face but his as well makes me feel differently. She doesn’t even know him, and she’s smitten with him.

I work quickly to put Lucy’s plate together, making sure the pizza is cut into bite-size pieces, and pour her a small glass of root beer. She rarely gets soda, but tonight is special, even if I don’t want to admit it.

“I’m so hungry,” Lucy says as she climbs into the booth, choosing to sit next to Travis. I shouldn’t let it bother me, but it does. I’ve never had to share her except with my mom.

“Do you mind watching her so I can go to the salad bar?” I ask, waving my plate in the air because I’m suddenly nervous.

“Of course,” he says, and as I step past him, he grabs my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. “I want to make myself very clear here, Saylor. I would do anything for you and Lucy. I want to be here with the both of you.”

I nod and stumble away in a daze, wondering who the hell Travis Kidd is. I only know him as my client, someone I’m required to keep in a positive light with the media. As I look back at Lucy and Travis, his head is turned toward hers, and she’s talking animatedly. Not once does he take his eyes off of her. He doesn’t frown or try to eat his own food. He’s totally lost in the world of my five-year-old daughter, and she in his.

He’s exactly what she needs in life.

After dinner, Lucy is able to convince Travis that he needs to play with her. I start to open my mouth to remind her that she should ask first, when Travis winks at me and slides out of the booth.

For most parents the reprieve is nice when you visit an eatery that has a room for children to burn off energy, but because it’s my daughter and the man who is trying to win my affection, which under normal circumstances I’d be willing to give, I feel anything but abated, because I can’t take my eyes off of them.

Lucy squeals in delight as Travis chases her around the jungle gym in what looks to be a game of tag. Each time it’s her turn to go after him, he dodges her a few times before letting her win the game.

“Excuse me, but is that Travis Kidd you’re with?”

I startle at the man who is standing at my table, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, or has he been here the entire time and I’ve

been too focused on watching Travis and Lucy that I didn’t see him approach me?

His question puts me on alert, and I shift into work mode. “Who’s asking?”

He laughs, not in a ha-ha-funny sort of way, but in a menacing way, causing the fine hairs on my neck to stand tall. I try to seek out Travis, but the man is blocking my path.

“Why are you with a rapist?” he asks in the same moment that Travis steps up to him with my daughter in his arms.

“That’s enough,” Travis says to the man. I motion for Lucy to come to me and she does as Travis hands her easily to me. “I suggest you leave,” he tells the man, going chest to chest with him.

“Or what?” he asks.

“Or I’ll make you,” Travis warns.

I work quickly to get Lucy’s coat on and when Travis turns to look at me, I see anger. While my body is coursing with fear, Travis’s has to be filled with murderous rage.



It’s been two days since I’ve seen Saylor, and not by choice. She has other clients that need her attention today as well. I try not to let the fact that she’s with other men today bother me, but it does. I know she’s not exclusive to me, but it would be nice if she were.

We are still waiting for the rape kit analysis to come back, along with the DNA test that I took. Irvin doesn’t understand the holdup and has been on the DA’s ass to make everything public. I want this nightmare behind me. I didn’t do what I’m being accused of, not to Rachel and definitely not to anyone else, so the fact that it’s taking so long is really starting to make me worry. I have a feeling that the state’s attorney is sitting on something huge. Otherwise, why’s he stalling? There are so many questions that I can’t get answers to, because no one knows.

I’m back at the clubhouse today. This is the only place aside from Irvin’s office that I can have any privacy. I was stupid to take Saylor and Lucy out to dinner the other night. Halfway through, a patron was brazen enough to go up to Saylor. I had spotted him earlier, lurking in the corner of the kid room but without a kid. I was careful to keep an eye on Lucy, more so than Saylor and I had done earlier before dinner came.

When I had gone to play with Lucy, the man approached Saylor. It was only a matter of seconds before I had Lucy in my arms and back at the table. One second later and I would’ve been able to prevent Lucy from hearing the man ask Saylor why she was with a rapist. But I couldn’t prevent Saylor from hearing those words. The look on her face—it killed a piece of me. I know she believes me, but having a question like that asked really gives someone pause, and when she looked at me, I could see in her eyes that she was wondering the same thing. Our night was cut short after I threatened the man, who in turn promised to go to the police.

And now I picture his face as I shadowbox in the mirror. The urge to hit something repeatedly is growing day by day. My level of frustration is about to reach its breaking point. I want to wake up from this nightmare and go about living my life. I’m tired of the media camping out on the sidewalk in front of my house, and I’m sick of walking by the creepy, black, nondescript van that is parked only two doors down, the occupants of which are always hiding something when they see me head their way. I’ve seen enough movies to know they’re taking pictures, but of what? It’s not like I’m going to bring someone home, or even try to hook up with a random female.

There’s only one person I’m interested in, and if she’d give me a chance, there’s no question about me changing my ways. For her, I’d do it in a heartbeat, and I wouldn’t miss any of the lifestyle I’ve been leading. Saylor would be worth it.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Boys of Summer Romance