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"I'll miss you too, Talia. Thank you for being such an amazing co-worker."

There's an awkward silence between us, where we're just looking at each other. We both jump when my intercom goes off, and Margie’s assistant is requesting we meet the managers in the boardroom.

"Here we go," I say, motioning her to walk in front of me. When we arrive, the other four are filing into the room in front of us.

Roy looks confident, while Ashley looks like she's on the verge of tears. Tara is picking at her nails, and Jeff is fidgeting with his jacket, buttoning and unbuttoning it repeatedly. I want to set my hand on top of his to still his movements, but I don't. Instead, I stand behind Talia and wait for the outcome.

"Good morning," Margie's boss says. "We won't keep you long as we're all aware you have some packing to take care of and flights to catch." He looks at the six of us and smiles. "When Omni started the internship, the length was six months long, and we saw students waiting until the last minute to get their projects done. When we switched it to three months, productivity increased tenfold, giving us a better opportunity to assess the finest six applicants of the current graduating class. With that said, the Board is pleased with the outcome of your work. Each team has given their manager fresh new ideas to take our clients’ needs to the next level. However, this is a competition, with the winning team receiving an employment offer."

"Congratulations, Tara and Roy." We clap, even if it's half-hearted. I wanted to win, more so for Talia. Margie's boss goes on to say a few more things, but I've since tuned him out.

Talia and I walk back to our cubicle. She's somber, and I don't blame her. I pretend to be, but it's hard knowing I have a job waiting for me. "I'm going to go," I tell her. "I have a few things to do before my flight."

"Goodbye, Ben. If you're ever in Iowa, look me up." I hug her before leaving and don't tell her the same thing. She has my number, and if she uses it if she finds herself in Los Angeles, great. Although, I don't think Elle would like it too much.

The truth is, I have nothing to do, except go to the airport. I've been packed for the last couple of days and living out of my suitcase. As soon as I'm free of the building, I pull out my phone to call Elle.

"Hey," she says, answering immediately. "Did you win?"

"Nope, we lost, but I'm okay with it. Just sad for Talia."

"So now what?"

"Now, I'm going to wait at the airport and see if I can get on the standby list to fly home early."

"Okay, keep me updated. I have to run to class."

"Will do." I can’t wait to tell her that I love her again, but not over the phone. I want to look her in the eyes and say the words so she knows I mean them.

I only have to wait on standby for a few flights before I'm finally on a plane and heading back to Los Angeles. Elle promises to be at the airport, which pisses off my brother. He doesn't understand how I can forgive her so easily. It's easy; I'm in love. For most of the flight I sleep, and when I'm not sleeping, I'm scrolling through the pictures on my phone.

The second my plane touches down, I'm antsy, eager to get out of my seat and find Elle waiting for me at baggage claim. Before I even booked my flight, Elle said I could use the private jet, but I didn't want to seem like I was taking advantage of her or the band. Now I wish I did because the wait is killing me.

I'm in a full sprint, weaving in and out of people with my backpack slapping against my ass, which is somewhat annoying.

When I enter baggage claim, I stop dead in my tracks. There's my beautiful girlfriend standing there holding a sign with my name on it. I go to her and scoop her up into my arms and twirl her around. "I've missed you so much," I tell her. There's nothing like starting a relationship, and not being able to see each other when you want. FaceTime doesn't cut it.

"I've missed you too," she says as I put her down. Elle continues to hold my face and looks into my eyes. "I have something to tell you."

"Can it wait until we're home?" I ask. There are too many people in the airport right now, and I'd much prefer she tell me in private.

Elle shakes her head. "No, it can't."

"Okay, what is it?" My hands tighten around her waist, giving me a bit of security.

"I love you, Benjamin. It's taken me a long time to realize this, but now that I have, there's no stopping it. You’re my unexpected love, one I never thought I’d find, at least not in my best friend."

I lean down and kiss her. I've waited most of my life to hear those words from her, and we could be in a completely different situation had I had the courage to say them years ago. For all I know, we'd have been together, but we could also be apart, living life as former friends.

Elle doesn't take me back to our apartment complex but drives to her parents. I have to say I'm not exactly looking forward to spending time with Mr. and Mrs. PJ when I'd rather be alone with Elle, but I don't question her. It's late, and she's definitely up to something because each time I ask her what's going on, she clams up.

Because of the time change, I'm tired and rest my eyes while she drives us south. Had I known she wanted to come this way, I would've flown into a different airport. When her Wrangler slows down, I open my eyes, only I don't recognize where we are.


"Hey, sleepyhead."

"Where are we?" I yawn and start stretching my cramped muscles.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont: Next Generation Romance