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She took her seat behind him and grabbed hold of his shirt. His body was hard and warm. She’d never tire of it.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

He twisted his neck and looked into her eyes. “Where aren’t we going?” He smiled and revved the engine.

Soon they had cruised through town and were out on country roads, free as birds in the sky.

Chapter Ten

Shit! Jeff quickly redialed Annie’s number. Nothing. Was the door unlocked? Yes, he was sure it was. He couldn’t leave Angie.

“Okay, honey,” he said. “I’m going to get you ready. Annie’s coming, and she’ll know what to do. But we’re on our own for the next ten minutes.”

She gulped and nodded.


Jeff followed Annie’s instructions, telling Angie what he was doing as he did it and taking care to cover her with another clean sheet to protect her modesty as he discarded her clothing. When she was lying on her side, he sat by her head, telling her to breathe and relax.

“You fucking relax,” she said through clenched teeth. “You’re not the one trying to push out a watermelon.”

Jeff sighed. Why can’t I be more help? Please, Annie, hurry.

“Daddy, I can’t do this breathing anymore. I have to— I have to—” She rolled over onto her back and pulled her legs forward. “I have to push, damn it!” She let out a blood-curdling scream.

“Angie, no! Wait…at least wait for Annie.”

She screamed again, her face grimacing in pain. Jeff ran to the foot of the bed. Tentatively, he grabbed the sheet and prepared to lift it.

The doorway opened. “I’m here,” Annie called.

Thank God! He let go of the sheet. “We’re in here. Hurry!”

Annie rushed into the bedroom. She peeked under the sheet. “Yup. She’s crowning. This baby’s coming, that’s for sure. Hold her hand, Jeff. I just need to wash my hands. I’ll only be a second.”

Jeff’s heart beat like a stampede racing inside him, but his little girl needed him. He placed one hand on her swollen belly. “I’m here, honey. I’m here.”

Annie returned, and another scream wrenched from Angie’s throat.

“More of the baby’s head is coming,” she said. “Jeff, I need some clean towels, please.”

He tried to let go of Angie’s hand.

“No, Daddy. Don’t leave me.”

Her words melted into him. “I’ll be back in a flash. I promise.”

He grabbed as many towels as he could hold from the linen closet and returned.

Annie had moved Angie to the end of the bed and was kneeling between her legs. “One more push, Angie, and I think you’ll get the head.”

“God, I can’t.” She turned to Jeff. “Daddy. It hurts too much. And I’m so tired.”

“I know, honey, but you have to do it. Your baby needs you.” He took her clammy hand in his own again. “You’re so strong, Angie. You can do anything.”

She leaned forward and gritted her teeth, and then came the biggest scream of all.

“That’s it, Angie!” Annie’s smile spread across her whole face. “The head’s out.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance