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God, she is beautiful. So damn beautiful. “How about you,” he said. “What’s going on? Why are you in town on a Sunday?”

“Shopping. Deb opens up special for me when I need her to.”

“Oh.” Pretentious as all get out. What did he see in her again? “So you had a shopping emergency, is that it?”

“In a manner of speaking,” she said. “I needed a wedding dress. I’m getting married on Saturday.”

Rafe’s whole body quaked. Had someone punched him in the gut? He took a deep breath. “Who’s the lucky guy?”

“Frank Longhorn.”

“Oh.” Longhorn was a rancher about Angelina’s age. He had much more to offer her anyway. A woman like her deserved…

What did a woman like her deserve?

A man who wasn’t already married, for one.

“Nice choice. He’ll be able to afford you.”

He regretted the words as soon as he’d uttered them. She dropped her packages by the trunk of her car and fished in her purse.

“You can go now. I’ll be fine.”

Something primal overtook him then. He seized her, her hand still in her purse, pushed her against the door of her car, and slammed his lips onto hers.

Open damn it! Open your lips for me.

As if she read his mind, she opened. Her sweet tongue darted out and met his. He could kiss her forever and never tire of her unique flavor. Their tongues tangled and mated, their lips slid and mashed together. The kiss was raw, unapologetic, yet still seductive and mind-blowing.

For a millisecond, he tried to capture the moment, ink it on his brain so he could pull it out for sustenance once she was married to someone else.

Someone else.

Someone else in her bed. Touching her beautiful body, kissing her private parts, making love to her…

He deepened his assault on her mouth, his desire becoming a need—a need to possess every part of her. He was a beast in the jungle, and she his mate.

When his ferocity melted a little, the kiss become more tender, more loving. Loving. Yes. He’d been right before. He loved this woman. Never had a mere kiss been so meaningful, so much like the actual act of making love.

He broke the suction of their mouths and rained tiny kisses along her cheeks, the sexy curve of her neck. Oh, he could live forever on her and only her. If only he could have said yes when she asked him to marry her. If only…

“Rafe,” she said against his cheek, her breath a soft whisper against this skin.

“Baby, come home with me.”

“God, Rafe.” She nibbled on his earlobe, her soft puffs tickling the inside of his ear.

“Please. Come to my bed. Let me make love to you.”

She ran her tongue along the outer edge of his ear. Damn, she made him crazy.

“Please, baby. Please. I need you.”

His erection pulsed inside his jeans. An orgasm threatened to erupt…from a kiss. He steeled himself, willed his desire to wane. Didn’t work. He needed her. In his bed. In his life. In his heart.

She’d never be out of his heart.

In an instant, she pushed him away, still panting. His dick throbbed, aching for her fingers, her tongue.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance