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“Do you know anyone?”

“Of course. I know several people in Denver who could take a look. Some who owe me favors.”

“How much would that cost?”

Dallas smiled. “For you? Nothing. Like I said, they owe me favors.”

Rafe widened his eyes. “Really? That’d be wonderful. I never expected to get anything for nothing.”

“I know that. But if Annie and Chad both vouch for you, I have no problem trading in a favor for you. Give me a day or two, and let me see what I can come up with.”

“Great!” Rafe nearly jumped out of his skin. “If everything works out, how soon can I get the divorce?”

“Not sure on that one. You don’t have any property to split, no children. Should be pretty straightforward. I’d say you could be a free man in six months.”

Six months? Angie needed him in two months.

“Can we speed that up a little?”

“Not in this state. You have to wait ninety days after papers are served. You could go to Las Vegas, but one of you would have to live there for six weeks to establish residency.”

“Crap.” Rafe sighed. What was the point now? He couldn’t save Angie’s ranch. No doubt she wouldn’t have him.

“What’s the hurry, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“This is all confidential, right?”


“Do you want me to leave, Rafe?” Annie asked.

“No, of course not. Please stay.”

In a daze, he poured out the story of Angie and her long lost uncle. “I don’t know everything, but that’s the gist of it, to my understanding.”

“I feel for Angie, Rafe, I really do,” Annie said, “but do you really want to get into another marriage for the wrong reasons?”

“I have to agree with my wife,” Dallas said. “Marrying for any reason other than true love is not the way to go. Trust me, I’ve been there and I know.”

Rafe nodded, his mind racing. Why did he want to marry her? Was it solely to help her? To save her inheritance?


I love her.

He loved Angelina Bay.

Or rather, he loved the Angie he knew when they were alone. The woman who bought clothes like they were penny candy? Not so much.

But they were the same woman. One and the same. How could he love one but not the other?

He couldn’t. I love them both. I love her.

“Is it possible there was a loophole in the grandfather’s will?” Annie asked.

“If there was,” Dallas said, “Harper would have found it.”

“Like I said, I don’t know the whole story.” Rafe stood. “I’ve taken up enough of your time. Thanks so much to both of you.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance