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“Good job,” he said. “Belle looks great. Leave her where she is for now and follow me.”

“Huh?” She arched her eyebrows. Was he going to take her straight to bed? Worked for her. Her one-morning stand could be a two-morning stand. Who needed to learn to ride a horse anyway?

Well, she did, or she’d be disinherited. For a minute she despised her father for doing this to her.

“I really think I need a lesson today,” she said.

“You’ll have a lesson. Follow me.”

They left the musty barn and walked outside in the crisp morning air. A lone chair sat on the grass outside.

“Where’d that come from?” Angie asked.

“I put it there. Come here and sit.”

“Huh?” she said again.

“You heard me. Sit.”

“Uh…okay.” She sat.

“Bend your elbows, as if you’re holding reins.”

She complied.

“Now, push your elbows down. You want to be sitting deep.”

“Not sure I understand.”

He leaned down and placed one hand on each of her forearms. Her skin tingled. He pushed gently, causing her upper arms and shoulders to tense slightly.

“Relax,” he said. “Feel your bottom on the chair. Become aware of where each part of your bottom is touching the chair.”

This was going to teach her to ride a horse? His hands were on her, though. That was a good thing.

“Yesterday I actually got on Belle, remember?”

“Yesterday you slid off Belle, remember?”

True enough. “So this is some newfangled teaching method for today?”

“I wouldn’t say it’s newfangled. I wouldn’t even say it’s mine. Let’s just say I did a little research. You’ll have to trust me.”

Her father was paying one hundred dollars an hour for this? So far she’d learned to groom a horse and sit on a chair.

“Now,” Rafe continued, “put your hands under your bottom.”

She’d rather he put his hands under her bottom, but okay. She did so.

“Can you feel the bones in your butt?”

“Um, yeah.”

“Now shift your weight slightly to the left.”

She leaned to the left and shifted her weight.

“Try to do it without leaning.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance