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“You’re healthy as a horse, Dad. You just need a change of climate. The four seasons don’t agree with you. You need warm dry air all year long, and you’ll be good as new. Doc says so.”

Jack raked his fingers through his gray hair. “Tell me about these riding lessons.”

“You’re changing the subject.”

“Damn right, I am. You and your brother are so convinced I’m lonely. I’m absolutely fine here with Lilia. So what gives with the lessons?”

“I’m teaching Angelina Bay. She’s Catie’s sister-in-law.”

“Princess? Wow.”

Rafe shot his eyebrows up. “Princess? She’s thirty-two years old.”

“Yeah, but that’s what her father called her, I think. Her mother, Maria—man, she’s a pretty one.”

So was her daughter, though he wasn’t going to get into that with his father. “How do you know the lot of them?”

“I did some construction for them a few years ago, before my accident.” He stared wistfully into space. “I always got the feeling Mia—that’s what her husband called her, and it seemed to fit—wasn’t quite as happy as she should be. Like something was missing.”

Strange. What could his father be talking about? “What do you mean?”

“Not sure I know. She’s a beauty. Dark hair, dark eyes. Her other two were gone away to school. The little one somewhere in Europe, and the boy in Denver at law school, but Angie was around. A gorgeous girl.”

Well, some things hadn’t changed at all. Angie was still gorgeous. And a squirter. Sheesh, he still couldn’t get over that one. Course he wouldn’t mention that particular detail to his father.

“Angelina’s still a beauty.”

“Oh, no doubt. I see her on occasion when I’m picking stuff up in town. Course she doesn’t know me from Adam. Mia remembers me though, always speaks when she sees me. Such a sweet woman. Reminds me of your mother.”

Angie’s mother reminded Jack of Rafe’s mother? The apple definitely fell far from the tree then. Angie wasn’t anything like his mother. Spoiled rotten, Angie was. Goddess-like body and beautiful face, maybe, but definitely spoiled rotten.

His father’s dark eyes looked misty. His mother had been gone for nearly three years now, but Jack still missed her. Rafe could tell every time he spoke of her. Yet he insisted he wasn’t lonely. Thank goodness Lilia was around to see to Jack’s needs. Jack was only fifty, but his asthma kept him pretty housebound during the cold weather. Now, during late summer, he was able to lead a normal life.

“Angelina looks quite a bit like her mother, doesn’t she?”

“I haven’t met Maria Bay, Dad, so I couldn’t say. Angie’s eyes aren’t brown. They’re green as spring grass.”

His father chuckled. “Green as spring grass, huh? Not just green. Or not just ‘I haven’t noticed the color of her eyes.’ She got a hold on you, boy?”

A hold on him? Not in this lifetime. She sure was nice for a romp in the hay though. Not that he’d tell his father that. Jack Grayhawk loved the ladies and respected them. He wouldn’t appreciate his son romping in the hay with a client.

“Why would you think that? I can’t appreciate a woman’s eyes without her having a hold on me?”

“You? I highly doubt it.” He winked. “I’m kiddin’, son. I know you have too high of a work ethic to get involved with someone you’re workin’ for.”

Rafe’s cheeks warmed. Hopefully his thoughts weren’t apparent. His father was right. He had crossed a line.

Better keep the relationship professional from now on.

Even if she was a squirter.

* * *

“Good, you’re here,” Rafe said the next morning.

Angie turned. Had he actually gotten better looking overnight? His shirt was sky blue today, and its contrast with his dark skin mesmerized her. His sleeves were rolled up as usual, and his corded forearms glistened.

She’d finished grooming Belle and hoped they’d actually get to ride this morning. Though if they ended up at the hand’s house again, she wouldn’t have too many complaints.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance