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“That’s all. An accident, pure and simple. Chad and I took precautions. They didn’t work.”

“Are you sure you don’t want the party, honey?”

“Yes, Mama, I’m very sure. Chad, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to do some quick packing, and then I’ll drive into town and visit with the chamber of commerce.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“I’d much rather go alone, if you don’t mind.”

“I’m your husband, Catie. We should both go.”

“That’s ridiculous. Go on.” She shooed him off. “You have a ranch to run. Get on out of here now. My car’s here. I’ll be fine.”

“Uh…all right. Nice to see you, Maria. I’m sorry for how this…you know, about…aw hell. I’m sorry.” He put his Stetson on his head and left the Bay house.

“Catie, you weren’t very nice to Chad just now,” Maria said. “And what do you mean you two aren’t in love? You’ve been mooning after him for years.”

“Mama, I was as nice to him as he deserved. He damn near accused me of ripping the condom on purpose yesterday when I told him.”

“He didn’t!”

“Yes. He did. And I assure you, I had nothing to do with that.”

“Oh, of course you didn’t. These things just sometimes happen.”

“Is that what happened to you and Daddy? With Angie?”

“Oh.” She reddened. “I’m embarrassed to say this, Catie, but your father and I… That time, well, we didn’t use a condom. We didn

’t use anything.”


“But we had Angie. And then Harper and then you. It hasn’t been a failure of a marriage.”

“Are you in love?”

“Are you in love with Chad?”

“You know the answer to that question, Mother. And I asked you first.”

“No, baby. Your father and I are not in love. We never have been.”

“Well, then, Chad and I can make it if you two did. My baby deserves to have a mother and a father in his life. So I’ll just live in a loveless marriage.”

“But it’s not loveless, dear. You love Chad.”

“Yes. Yes, I do. But he doesn’t love me. And I doubt he ever will.” She turned toward the stairway. “I’ve got packing to do.”

* * *

Why the hell wasn’t Catie happy? She’d wanted him. She’d made no bones about it. He got into his pickup, headed to Zach’s, and then remembered he and Dusty were out of town and Sean was staying with Dallas and Annie. He changed directions and headed toward his oldest brother’s house.

Surprisingly, both Dallas and Annie were at home. He figured Dallas might be out with the stock and Annie might be in town at her vet’s office.

“Are you kidding?” Annie said. “With three kids this week, I canceled all my appointments, though I’m still on call.”

“Me? I just came in for lunch,” Dallas said. “You want to join us?”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance