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“We’ve got a lot of those around here.” Zach smiled warmly. “And we haven’t had a full-time vet in several months. Dusty’s been filling in some.”

“I can tell she knows a lot about animals,” Annie said.

The conversation continued and Dallas listened with only one ear, hearing about every third word while he imagined Annie’s plump breasts spilling out of her creamy pleasant blouse. Moonlight skin surrounding carnelian nipples. He stiffened inside his jeans.


He jerked, hearing his name. “Yeah, Zach?”

“Would you mind?”

“Huh? Would I mind what?”

“Taking Annie home. Her car’s in the shop. She rode out here with Dusty.”

“R-Really,” Annie stammered, “it’s not necessary.”

“It’s not a problem. I have to drive home anyway.”

“But don’t you live…around here?” Annie gazed around the table, all three of them chuckling. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” Dusty said. “There’s no reason you should know, being new in town. McCray Landing is the largest beef ranch in Colorado. Dallas lives here, but his home is several miles away from ours.”


Annie’s pale skin flushed, and Dallas’s groin tightened. Again. He wondered if her breasts were blushing right now. Rosy swells of edible flesh.

“I knew this was the largest ranch, I just didn’t—”

“Grasp the magnitude?” Dusty smiled. “I didn’t either when I first came here. It’s huge.”

“I’ll be glad to drive you home, Doc,” Dallas said. “For one small favor in return.”

“Wh-What would that be?”

God, her stammer is adorable. She felt the connection. He could tell.

“You let me know when you and Seraphina do your experimenting. I want to come to dinner.”

Annie nodded. “Sure. No problem.”

“Let’s have coffee in the family room,” Dusty said. “I think Seraphina made chocolate cake, too.”

“No tiramisu?” Zach said.

“Not tonight, sweetheart,” Dusty said. “Tiramisu is Zach’s favorite dessert,” Dusty explained and then followed her husband into the family room.

“I bet you make a killer tiramisu, Doc,” Dallas said, helping Annie from her chair.

“As a matter of fact—”


“I can’t stand the stuff.”

Dallas erupted into gales of laughter. This woman was full of surprises.

“What’s so funny?”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance