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“Cowboy?” she said to the door.

“Yeah. I’m done.”

“You want me to come in?”

“Just go away and let me die.”

Annie laughed in spite of herself. “No, Cowboy, you’ll live. Trust me, I know.” She opened the door and looked around. “At least you managed to hit the target. That’s more than I did my first time.” She took his toothbrush from the counter and spread it with toothpaste. “Here you are. Brush like a good boy.”



“Why should I?”

“You want any more kisses?”

“More than I want my next breath of oxygen.”

“Then brush. I’m not kissing you unless you do.”

“Yes’m.” He brushed his teeth, scowling at himself in the mirror.

Annie checked the tub, and finding it full, turned off the taps. She returned to the sink and filled a glass with water. “Spit,” she said to Dallas, “and then rinse.”

She held the glass to his lips like she would for a child. “Now strip. It’s time for your bath.”

He grinned. “I don’t strip unless you do.”

“Ha-ha. Do you really think you have any power here?” She unbuttoned his shirt, discarded it, pushed him down on the toilet seat, and pulled off his boots and socks. “Now the jeans, Cowboy.” She took a deep breath, trying to rein in her scalding desire at the sight of his chest, and unbuckled his belt. She closed her eyes and completed the job. She quivered when, pushing his jeans and boxers to the floor, she brushed the hot skin of his hips.

She opened her eyes slowly. He was completely and totally aroused. With a devil may care grin on his handsome face.

“Damn, Cowboy. You’re stinking drunk. How is this possible?”

“Because you’re here.”

“Whatever. In the tub.”

“I’m serious. I’m hard as stone whenever you’re around. I can’t control it. It’s starting to piss me off, to tell you the truth.”

“I’ll bet. In the tub. Now.”

He stepped in obediently. “You gonna wash me?”

“No.” She turned.

“Please? At least get in with me. This tub is huge. There’s plenty of room.”

“Absolutely not.” But she wanted to. So badly she could barely breathe. “I’ll go see about your coffee. When I get back here I expect to see your hair washed.”

“You promised me kisses if I brushed my teeth.”

“I did no such thing.”

“You did!”

“Nope. You weren’t listening. I said I wouldn’t kiss you if you didn’t brush your teeth. I didn’t say I would if you did.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance