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After they had taken the picture, she took Sean back to his mother. “Why don’t the two of you sit down out front and I’ll be out in a few minutes. You can take Nigel with you.”

Dusty nodded and led her son away.

Annie studied the digital image of the cat’s abdomen. No obstruction, but he was a little constipated. Unusual for a cat, but not unheard of. She headed out front.

“Good news,” she said. “As I suspected, there is no obstruction. He’s a little backed up, though.”

“Backed up?”


“Oh.” Dusty giggled. “I didn’t know that could happen to cats.”

“It can happen to any living creature,” Annie said. “I’m going to give him a mild stool softener, and I suggest you keep him outside as much as you can for the next few days.”

“Yes, of course.”

“Don’t hesitate to call if he gets worse,” Annie said.

“I won’t. Thank you so much. I know you were getting ready to close when I got here, and I really appreciate your time.”

“No problem. I’m usually open till five, and of course I’m always on call for emergencies.” She yawned. “It’s been a harrowing week, though, and yes, I was tempted to close up early. But I’m glad I got to meet you and Sean and Nigel.” She smiled.

“Have you met many people yet?”

“Only those whose animals I’ve treated. I’ve been hopping since I opened on Monday.”

“Would you like to come to my house tonight for dinner?” Dusty asked. “It would give me a chance to repay you for your kindness, and I’d love for you to meet my husband.”

A home-cooked meal sounded wonderful to Annie, who had subsisted on Lean Cuisines since she had opened up shop. But, “I’d love to come, but unfortunately my car died earlier today. I had it towed to Joe’s down the street. I’m afraid I’m without transportation. Maybe some other time?”

“Don’t be silly,” Dusty said. “You can drive home with me right now, and Zach can drive you home later.”

“I don’t want to impose.”

“You’re not imposing. I’m the one who imposed on you late on a Friday afternoon when you were clearly trying to cut out early. Please. It would mean a lot to me.”

“You’re sure your husband won’t mind?”

“Of course not.”

“Well, then, I have to tell you, a home-cooked meal sounds absolutely divine.”

“You’ll love Seraphina’s spaghetti,” Dusty said. “Let’s go.” The pretty young woman offered a wide smile, which Annie returned.

She had made her first friend in Bakersville.

* * *

As Dusty pulled her minivan into the long driveway, Annie stared in awe at the sprawling ranch house. This was McCray Landing, the largest and most profitable ranch in southeastern Colorado. She had been so exhausted earlier that she hadn’t made the connection with Dusty’s last name. Zach McCray was the middle brother and the only married one, according to the gossip she had heard.

“Here we are,” Dusty said, engaging the parking brake. “Home sweet home.”

“I’ll say,” Annie said. “It’s beautiful.”

She opened the car door and looked around while Dusty unstrapped Sean from his car seat.

“Mama,” Sean said, as Dusty scooped him up.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance