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“Cold!” she exclaimed when he sat her naked rump back on the granite countertop.

“Serves you right. If you’re going to cream over my kitchen I at least want you naked.” He sank to his knees and spread her legs. “I want to make you come.” He flicked his tongue into her folds. “You’re already wet.” He raised his head and grinned. “Is that for me or for my stove?”

“Can it be for both?” Annie giggled.

“Oh, you’re going to pay for that one, Doc.” He buried his face between her legs.

Annie’s entire body quivered as Dallas’s hot tongue lapped at her. The granite under her was no longer frigid, but blazing as she lifted her hips to meet his searing mouth. She hovered near the edge, ready to fly, until he slid two fingers inside her. She jumped off the cliff, moaning his name as she flew into rapture. He continued to stroke her, his fingers dancing inside her, until she came down.

“Again,” he demanded and set to work. She grabbed his head and tunneled her fingers through his hair as he pleasured her. The scrape of his beard growth against her thighs, the silky roughness of his tongue—it was all too good. She screamed as she exploded once more.

“Dallas? Are you here?”

“Shit.” Dallas pulled away from Annie, his face wet with her juices.

“Who is that?”

“It can’t be.”

He stood up and covered her naked body with his. “What the hell are you doing here, Chelsea?”

Chapter Six

“Chelsea?” Annie whispered urgently. “Your wife?”

“Ex-wife,” Dallas said between clenched teeth, still protecting her nudity with his large clothed body.

“Oh my God!” the woman shrieked, and a flash of light blond hair invaded Annie’s vision.

“Get the hell out of here!” Dallas yelled. Then, to Annie, “I’m so sorry, Doc. Stay here, okay?”

He strolled out of the kitchen, wiping his face on his shirtsleeve.

Annie shivered on the counter as she listened to Dallas and his ex yelling at each other. How embarrassing. Not only was she naked, he was fully clothed. She looked like a cheap tramp.

“The ink isn’t even dry on our divorce papers,” Chelsea yelled, “and already you’re tupping some little bimbo in my house!”

“This was never your house, Chelsea. It’s mine. I paid you seven figures so I could keep it.”

“Who is she?”

“None of your business.”

“You couldn’t wait, could you?”

“Hell, you have no idea how long I’ve waited, but it’s none of your concern anymore. How the hell did you get in here, anyway? I changed all the locks.”

“The door was open, Dallas.”

“So you decided to just walk in? That’s trespassing.”

“What are you going to do? Call a cop?”

“Don’t push me, Chelsea. I’ll do worse to you than call a cop.”

“Is that a threat?”

Annie had heard enough. She dressed quickly. She wasn’t about to hide in the kitchen just because Dallas’s ex had seen her naked. She was from Jersey for goodness’ sake. It would take way more than an embarrassing moment to faze her. She took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and marched out to the entryway.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance