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MrsRobinson: From their father, yes. I’m remarried. To my cub.

HollyGolightly: How old is he?

MrsRobinson: He’s forty and he never wanted kids. He’s a wonderful stepfather, though. Joy and Laurie adore him.

So Megan had gotten lucky and found herself a cub who didn’t want kids. Holly cleared her throat and began to type.

HollyGolightly: When Jack—that’s his name—came back into my life out of the blue, I didn’t want to get involved. I knew I could never give him what he deserved—a family. He was very persistent and so attractive. I caved. Now I’m in too deep.

MrsRobinson: Have you told him the truth?

HollyGolightly: No. I can barely think about it myself. This is the first time I’ve talked to anyone about it.

MrsRobinson: You need to tell him.

HollyGolightly: It’s too late now. I hung on way too long without telling him. He has a son, you know. An adorable kid. Six years old. Was never married to the mom and she’s not in the picture. When I found out, I was ecstatic. I figured maybe he’d be okay with not having more kids. That’s not the case.

MrsRobinson: How did you find out?

HollyGolightly: Eating breakfast with his kid. He told me he really wanted a little brother and that his dad had told him maybe someday. That pretty much takes me out of the picture. Which I knew from the beginning. This is my own fault for getting in so deep. But now

She couldn’t finish the sentence so she hit enter. Tears had blurred the computer screen.

MrsRobinson: Now what, Holly?

Holly sniffed and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Where was her damned box of tissues?

HollyGolightly: Now I’ve involved his son. He’ll be hurt. His son will be hurt. And I’ll be hurt. I should have ended it before now. Then I’d be the only one hurting. God knows I’ve dealt with that before, and I could have dealt with it again.

MrsRobinson: There’s still time to salvage this, Holly. If this man loves you, he won’t care that you can’t give him another child.

HollyGolightly: He never said he loved me.

MrsRobinson: But you love him.

With all her heart.

HollyGolightly: Yes.

MrsRobinson: Then how can you give up? You have to try. Tell him the truth.

HollyGolightly: Can it work, Megan? Th

is whole cougar thing? I don’t know. I mean, twenty years from now he’ll be in his prime and I’ll be an old lady.

MrsRobinson: First of all, sixty is not an old lady. Not anymore. And yes, it can work. I’ll grant you that I got lucky, finding a cub who wasn’t interested in having children.

HollyGolightly: When I was in here the other night, Charlene’s relationship was ending because her cub wanted a family and she was done with that.

MrsRobinson: Yes, that does happen sometimes. I can’t lie to you. But you’re a little bit ahead of Charlene. Your Jack already has a child.

HollyGolightly: But he wants more.

MrsRobinson: Are you sure about that?"

HollyGolightly: That’s what his son said.

MrsRobinson: But you’ve never had this conversation with him?

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic