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HollyGolightly: I’m so glad someone’s in here. I really need to talk.

MrsRobinson: Talk away. That’s what I’m here for.

Where did she begin? She sat and tapped the spacebar for what seemed like hours.

MrsRobinson: You still there?

HollyGolightly: Yes.

MrsRobinson: You’re safe here, Holly.

Safe. That’s what Cublover had told her the first time she’d wandered into this chatroom. Safe. She could tell her story. Tell it to someone who might understand. MrsRobinson’s name was Megan, wasn’t it?

HollyGolightly: May I call you Megan?

MrsRobinson: Of course. Is your real name Holly?

HollyGolightly: Yes.

MrsRobinson: What’s going on? I’ll help if I can.

Holly inhaled deeply and blew the air out her nostrils in a slow stream. Megan couldn’t help. No one could. But at least she could listen. Holly had never said these things out loud. But for the first time, she needed to get it all out.

HollyGolightly: I met a man. A wonderful man. He’s twenty-nine and I’m forty. I didn’t mean to fall in love with him, but I couldn’t help it. He’s nothing like I imagined he’d be. We actually met on a one-night stand. Something I never do....

MrsRobinson: Why did you do it that time, then?

Holly sighed. The million dollar question.

HollyGolightly: I was in a bad place. I had just been diagnosed with cervical cancer.

There, she’d said it.

MrsRobinson: I’m so sorry, Holly. Are you okay now?

Okay? Physically, sure, she was okay. A picture of health, in fact. But emotionally? A wreck.

HollyGolightly: Yes. It was only stage one. I didn’t need any radiation or chemo. They got it all.

Yes, they had gotten it all, but at what cost?

MrsRobinson: I’m so glad to hear that.

HollyGolightly: Problem is, they did a hysterectomy. I got to keep one ovary, to keep my hormones balanced but other than that, I’m empty. I’ve never been married, never had kids. I had to accept that I never would.

MrsRobinson: I’m so sorry, Holly.

HollyGolightly: I tried to look at the bright side. I was alive. They’d caught it in time to cure me. I’d gone this long without kids and my biological clock was ticking anyway. I wasn’t in a relationship, so what did it matter? I figured any man I’d get involved with would probably have kids by now anyway. At least those are the things I told myself. Do you have kids, Megan?

It was a while before she answered. Holly knew Megan pitied her, which annoyed her.

MrsRobinson: Two girls.

HollyGolightly: You must be very proud of them.

MrsRobinson: I am. They’re both in college now.

HollyGolightly: So you’re divorced?

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic